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  Best of Stardust's Horoscope 2002-2007

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Stardust's Horoscope Forecast

As the years pass, the stars smile on us. Here, published for the first time, are a collection of Stardust Horoscope forecasts for January 2002 through March 2005.

For January 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your career and goals in life are on the forefront for you this month. There could be a lot of interchanging of communication related to this area and many questions are being asked in reference to your future. Restrictions that you have been having and continue having with your personal resources are teaching you to have a more gentle approach to life and you are letting yourself enjoy smaller things that have no material value. Opportunity to take a trip could be presented to you but there will be many difficulties that you will have to contempt with as again your personal resources area is kind of tied up.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
You are learning through very fortunate circumstances a much better and gentle approach to your home life; you are learning to be more relaxed than ever before. Your personal responsibilities seem to be surrounded by very vague circumstances and sometimes you do not know what is expected of you. Past experience seems to be helping change your attitude toward your personal possessions in a very positive way. Many opportunities could be coming to you from outside sources that might look very sweet to you but you should be aware of small print before you get into anything.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your outside and shared sources of income are in the spotlight this month for you. There could be much communication with your mate or partner in a very congenial manner. You might say: “this is my lucky day” but be aware of some difficulties, as you do not see the reality in this matter. Be aware of over inflating differences with your mate or partner as this could be blown out of proportion. Things are not as bad as they could look to you but pressure from responsibilities could be a weight for you.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Dealings with your mate or partner are in the lime light for you this month. You are giving a lot of thought to your future endeavors and there are many questions that you have concerning this as many changes are happening in your area of financial dealings with joint resources. Desire to make better changes at your work area is great but there are many differences that need to be met before you could see what you desire come to reality. You could receive some personal gain from a far away place source and this could bring some tension at your work place.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your thoughts will be very much involved this month in your work area and matters related to it. Some misunderstanding could cause you some emotional distress, as you do not see eye to eye with an authority figure. A love object could be teaching you a very important lesson in regards to growing up and facing the music. Many slow changes related to this are being very beneficial for you. Your work area could be causing you some worries and concerns after the middle of the month concerning your position in life and goal related matters.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Matters concerning investments or speculations connected to your future endeavors will be on the forefront for you this month. You seem to be learning a lot in this area and your thoughts are very much focused toward your goals in life. Many new ideas could be coming to you related to a foreign matter and this could create lots of enthusiasm for you to work in those goals that you wish for. There could be some unexpected developments at your work place that might be very important for your career.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your home and home surroundings will be on the agenda for you this month. Many thoughts are being put forward in regard to a future in a far away place. But there is much illusion attached to this as reality is of a different color that you want to give it. There could be a surprising opportunity connected to an investment or speculation that could be very favorable in your future endeavors, and there will be a very important lesson for you to learn in this experience. Your joint income resources could reap some gain for you due to hard work but you are not able to see this right away.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You could have some interchanges of ideas in reference to your joint resources and there could be some questioning in this matter. Your mate or partner could be holding you back and this is caused by lack of vision. Changes at your home base will bring beneficial cooperation from your mate or partner, as you are more willing to put in some of your personal resources in order to have some comfort. This could cause you some agitation as you recall a bad experience from the past. Remember that you had in resent month many slow changes that are touching your life and you will not repeat past mistakes.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
The spotlight is on your area of personal resources and values this month. You are putting many thoughts in matters concerning the future and where it is taking you and you are learning as you go. There is much desire to look your best and serious thoughts are being given to your marriage or partnerships, as many opportunities seem to be in this area right now. Your higher beliefs seem to be causing you some doubts as you are learning a hard lesson. These changes will be lucky for you as you find your way.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
This month starts for you with a lot of thoughts and communication concerning your personal desires related to your work area. There are many adjustments that you must go through in this area. There could be unexpected developments related to your personal income and resources and this could be very positive for you. An investment or speculation could be presented to you that appears to be very solid, but try to get all the facts, as everything doesn’t seem to be crystal clear. An experience similar to this that you had in the past concerning an investment seem to be creating you some worries as you are comparing this too very closely.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
There is a strong desire for you to take off on a holiday and good times but you could have after thoughts about doing so as some difficulties might be arising in connection to your work and an experience that you are going through in this area. You could experience a strong desire to spend your money in order to look better to the world as the slow changes that your work is bringing seem to be very promising now. Many responsibilities you have as your home base seem to be getting more bearable for you as you learn to change your way of thinking on this situation.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of friends and charitable activities. A friend could be questioning you concerning your plans for your future at your home base and giving you ideas about changing your place of residence but you will not see this without any difficulty as your work could create differences for you to do this. You are channeling a lot of your energy in trying to reach your fondest desires and wishes for your life and this is related to your work in a very favorable way.

For February 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
There will be many pleasant contacts and social activities with friends this month and this could present some restriction with your personal resources but you might have a lucky break at work that will provide you with the necessary funds. Using your brain is going to help you in this matter as you will have many useful ideas. Communicating at your work place in a constructive manner will be necessary as some tension could exist in this area. You might feel sometimes that you are going to explode but restrain should be used.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your career and goals in life are in the limelight for you this month. If you had done your work correctly you will be compensated with a promotion that could take you to a far away place or you will have to be in communication with it. This could also entail an investment or speculation and you could show a good display of knowledge in order to improve your joint resources. Your personal resources could enter in this picture as you can see the opportunity presented to you but iron out any discrepancies in an effective manner and also many questions should be asked.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your outlook in life seems to be turning into a more rosy color as you can feel many fast paced changes in your future. You are feeling right now very confident and optimistic in reference to your joint money resources but watch out for misinterpretation as this area seems to be very veil right now. Your thoughts are involved in this area together with your home base, as you are feeling more confident and mature to handle your personal home affairs. Very harmonious circumstances seem to be surrounding your home life as slow changes at your place of work are influencing it in a very positive manner.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Your area of joint and outside resources is in the spotlight this month. You see things in a very positive light. Rapid changes are influencing your future in a positive manner and you are keeping this under wraps. An older friend seems to be influencing you in very harmonious circumstances. There could be a communication on the emotional level and this might revolve around your mate or partner, as he or she will have something useful to contribute. There will be encouragement for exceptional talent that you could use at your work place.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is accentuated this month. Very pleasant circumstances surround this area and very unexpected developments that could affect your future might be present. You could have news about your job that will affect your personal income in a very favorable way as your responsibilities and good work could be compensated. There is a hidden lesson in this experience that could be coming out through a friend. This could bring some tension for you. There is an opportunity hidden behind all this.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
There could be unexpected developments at your work place that will have a very significant effect in your future. Your ways of thinking and approach to life are changing in a very favorable and mature way. Children and loved ones are on your mind as emotions are heightened. An investment or speculation is giving you a lot of food for thought and adjustments will be called for. This is a very good opportunity for you but there are some obstacles that will have to be dealt with in a constructive manner as this is causing lots of movement in your area of shared and outside resources.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Matters related to children will have to be dealt with this month and this is connected to your shared resources. Harmony in this area should prevail. Your work area will keep you very busy this month, as you feel more responsible dealing with your shared and outside resources. An investment or speculation could be in this picture that looks very attractive to you. Unexpected developments in this area might change your way of thinking in a very positive way. Your thoughts will be focused at your home base but you will keep your emotions under wraps.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You might be spending a lot of your time this month at your home base taking care of many responsibilities of a pleasant nature with your mate or partner. Love is very much present on these activities. Many unexpected changes are occurring and will continue to happen. This changes are due to good future outside sources of income that will be giving you many opportunities as long as you ask many questions in regard of what is there for you personally as communication could be kind of vague. Mentally you will be able to grasp what is real and what is not. If you let your gut feelings guide you there could be some gain for you in the long run. Guard yourself from getting into a new investment or speculation on impulse this could cause you some tension.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Communicating with a superior at your work place could bring some benefit for you, as pleasant circumstances are very propitious right now. There are some unexpected dealings connected to your future with your mate or partner as opportunities abound. Some learning should be expected from an opportunity that could affect you in your pocket if you do not try to see the reality of things before you get into anything and this could create some heated tension at your home base. Avoiding confrontation and using diplomacy should be the best course of action.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of personal income and values. You are pretty content with the way things are right now but illusion is very much present as there are many changes that have been happening for you in this area and continue occurring. Changes for the future at the work place seem to be surrounded with very favorable circumstances. Many opportunities are in there waiting for you and you should have a lot to learn. Watch the way you communicate with coworkers as you could come across too strong.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
This month starts for you in a very personal note related to your home responsibilities. Things seem to be getting easier right now and more to your liking. Many of your private thoughts are being put towards making gains with your joint or outside resources and you could achieve this in a very effective way right now. There could be lots of activity with your personal resources as impulse to do things hastily with them might require some awareness on your part. You will be getting much encouragement related to this area from your home base.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
This month you will feel very content having many quiet private times as the need to spend some time by yourself will be felt. You will not have a desire to communicate too much as sometimes you like to dwell into your personal dreams. You might feel like doing many things during these private times as your energy should be very high and there is a need to use this energy in a useful way. There could be some tension or disagreement at your home base and this will have to be dealt in a constructive manner trying to avoid over emotionalism.

For March 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Private matters could be in the forefront for you this month and you will have the desire to communicate them possibly with a neighbor or sibling. You could be feeling the impulse to overdue this and this could cause some tension for you in the long run. You will feel very energetic and with the desire to do many things and go to places but the chances are that you will have to use this energy in doing things close to home, as you will be spending most of the time this month taking care of personal matters. You will be using personal income with a lot of caution this month, as you will find yourself thinking before you spend.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Activities with friends will be on the agenda for you this month. You will be spending more than you expected in these activities and this could cause you some tension connected to your future plans. Your shared resources area could also be getting some of this tension, as you are concerned about all your resources right now. An investment or speculation that you have been looking into could resolve all these conflicts for you. Inspiration could come to you through your special talents or abilities and this could reward you in a positive manner from your work area.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your life goals are in the spotlight this month. You wish to see these goals under very rosy color but there are some obstacles connected to your mate or partner that could produce some tension related to your aspirations in life. This situation should be approached with a constructive direction. Experience from your past could be part of this tension. You will get very unexpected encouragement from your mate or partner. Looking at your shared resources with a responsible eye could dissipate many doubts that you have in this area of your life.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You could be aiming this month toward taking some kind of improvement course of study that could be beneficial for you in your line of work but there are many obstacles at the present time that are in your way to pursue this. Your energy level is much highlighted toward doing something very quickly to reach your goals but you could be scattering this energy if you do not look at the situation in a practical and realistic way. A friend could give you input that could cause you more tension although is meant to be done with good intentions but look at this carefully as this person could bring to your attention a very good idea that could be very helpful to you.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your joint and outside resources are in the spotlight for you this month. An investment or speculation that is in the making could bring some tension to you, as there are many issues that have to be dealt with before this is finalized. Communicating any concerns that you have could facilitate a better understanding in this situation. You could also be getting some very good ideas related to your work line that could bring you more responsibilities accompanied with a much deserved reward. Some special talent that you have could be recognized.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Dealings with your area of marriage and partnerships are on the agenda for you this month. Some of you could be entering into a marriage or partnership that could bring you life comfort and status in the community. There could be some obstacle related to this partnership that will have to be worked out in a constructive manner otherwise tension could be present. There is much illusion connected to a loved one and emotions are taking part in this scenario. You think that you are doing what you are supposed to do in a responsible way and all this is surrounded by very propitious circumstances. You could be receiving unexpected good news concerning your line of work. Be ready for a pleasant surprise.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Circumstances surrounding your work area are very favorable right now and a good opportunity could be knocking at your door. This might not be entirely what you really wish for and this could cause you some tension. Looking at things with an open mind should be beneficial but right now you are looking at things the way you want them to be and not the way they really are. Restriction that you have with your shared resources is very much in this picture so you might look at all this with a responsible approach.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
A good opportunity for an investment or speculation will be presented to you. You could be having some obstacle in dealing with this in the way you will like it to be. In the second half of the month you will have news or an answer in connection with this opportunity. Your mate or partner could be a source of inspiration that could be beneficial in cementing your relationship. This could soften some difficulties that you have in dealing with your personal and shared resources connecting past experiences with future ones. Communication will flow in a very easy manner.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your home base will be prominent for you this month. Some conflict related to a past experience could arise at your home but this should be handled with love and understanding. You are going through a lot of personal changes that could cause some tension in this area. Your mate or partner could be bringing very harmonious input in this situation so cooperation will be present. Being able to have clear thoughts should be very helpful, as you will receive fast paced communication in reference to future undertaking with your mate or partner.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Communication is the key word for you this month. Very favorable news could be coming your way in reference to your line of work and this could represent some gain to you that perhaps you will not be able to see right away. Unexpected favorable changes in your personal income could also be in this picture. Your past way of life is changing radically in a very slow process and this should be looked at in a constructive manner. There are many responsibilities with children and loved ones that you are approaching with empathy and feelings.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Your money and personal processions and values are in the spotlight for you this month. There are changes that are happening through friends or charitable organizations that could be bringing you some tension. There is a good opportunity to enter into a new investment that could come to you unexpectedly and this is something that you have looked into before. Watch for some obstacles in this matter. Home responsibilities and road blocks in this area seem to be getting easier right now as you are looking at this more with your feelings than your head.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Harmony seems to be prevailing at your home base. Changes could be happening unexpectedly of a positive nature. A constructive approach should be taken toward these changes, as some of them might not be what you exactly want and like. A pattern that you have learned in the past seems to be producing a negative influence on all this. Your mate or partner could be instrumental in helping you deal with this situation. Communication concerning your shared resources could be dealt in a very responsible manner and you will receive many good ideas on how to work with these resources together with cooperation from your mate or partner.

For April 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
This month many of the slow changes that you have been going through in your way of thinking and outlook in life are showing a very beneficial influence on you. You will be turning on your charm in order to get some monetary income through your outside resources. Reorienting your communication skills could be very helpful in this matter; this could cause you some mental tension, as you will have to change many of your old ways in order to do some constructive undertakings with your life. Impulse to use your personal resources in your old ways will not work right now and you will have to make some adjustments.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Action in connection with your shared and outside sources of income is the key word for you this month. Difficulties concerning your mate or partner could bring some setbacks for you. This will have to be worked out with some mutual cooperation. Some adjustments will have to be made together with your mate or partner related to your personal income. Obstacles in this area could be a product of your mind doing overtime thinking. Communication and cooperation is the key to a good solution. There will be much to be gained through love and understanding.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
There are some changes for you in the area of friends and charitable undertakings, which right now are very beneficial for you. This area could be of help to you in matters related to your work field. You have been going through a period of hard lessons and obstacles related to your work and you have been keeping most of this to yourself. This could be unhealthy for you and you are bottling up lots of anger toward your mate or partner and experiences that you have in the past. Reorientation and adjustments in this area are necessary.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Career, promotion and financial reward are spotlighted for you this month. Slow changes that have been occurring at your work place will be showing a promise of coming to fruition and you will be able to handle this in an effective way. There will be much activity in this area concerning adjustments and learning. Some unexpected obstacles could arise from all this that will have to be negotiated. Communication from a loved one could come to you in an overwhelming fashion, many questions will come to mind that must be clarified as this could cause some tension for you.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
You are going through many changes concerning your philosophical approach to life and this seems to be helping you in a very positive way. News concerning your shared and outside sources of income is reaching you that are very harmonious in relation to your home life. This could be connected to your line of work. A friend could get into this picture trying to sort out things for you and asking many questions, this could be annoying to you to a point and this might cause you some frustration. You could be feeling some tension with your mate or partner relationship and you must guard yourself of expressing anger as you could regret it later.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of shared and outside resources. These resources seem to be of a great deal of help right now at your home base. You will be expressing your feelings with loving kindness making a remarkable show of talent and this is connected to your career and goals. You are learning as you go along and you are learning well. Communicating with your mate or partner should take place in a very diplomatic way as an obstacle could come from this caused by a difference of opinions.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
You could be noticing a change in the way you communicate with your mate or partner that will be beneficial in you relationship. You also will be turning on your charm with your partner in order to get something material that you desire. This could be directly connected to your line of work as most of your thoughts are turned on this direction right now. Your shared resources have been restricted for a while but you are refusing to see the reality on this situation. You could feel a source of inspiration directed to increase and improve these resources.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
The emphasis for you this month is on your area of work and matters related to it. Changes that are coming to this area at a slow pace are starting to show some monetary reward as you continue to display your special talents and abilities. Conversation regarding an investment or speculation should take place as this could require more funds than you and your mate or partner anticipated. This should be dealt with in a constructive manner as unnecessary tension could build. An open-minded approach would be the best course. The second part of the month could challenge you with some difficulties brought up by differences of opinion with your mate or partner, as communication could be vague.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
You could be making a decision to undertake some king of social activities and you are not able to make this decision in a fast manner, the way you would like to do it. This could be something very attractive and happy for you and you will have very fast paced communication that could facilitate this for you. News concerning your work area could come from a superior that will be of encouragement to you. Your sources of income could be discussed in a very harmonious way but you should guard yourself from a hidden agenda, as things might not be completely spelled out to you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your home and things related to it are in the limelight for you this month. Very favorable slow changes are continuing to be on this area and very pleasant and gainful happenings are there right now. You could have some interchange of communication with coworkers due to differences of opinion and you might have to assert yourself and aim towards some adjustments. This might be a good learning experience for you and it should be taken as such. There is much activity on your area of investment and speculation and rushing into anything without doing lots of questioning could cause you friction in the long run.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
News concerning a fairly new friend could reach you that will be of very pleasant circumstances and this could be to your advantage if you desire to reach some social statues in your life. You should be aware that this could cause you some restriction at your home base as much illusion is surrounding this. Reality is of a different color than what you could see. Many social activities will appear on your agenda of an unexpected nature and this could cause you some expenses. Your emotions are very much involved with this; the promise of a good learning experience is here.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your area of personal possessions and values is in the spotlight this month. There are many positive changes of this area for you right now and some gain could come from good ideas. You are questioning your past goals in a very heated way and holding back on this and showing more maturity and responsibility will help you to find your answer. Remember that you cannot change the past but you can make the future better. Being aware of circumstances surrounding all this will help you to use your past experiences to make your future better.

For May 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your personal income, resources and values are in the spotlight for you this month. A friend or acquaintance could contribute to these resources in a very unexpected manner and some gain could be coming connected to foreign sources. Beware, as differences of opinion could arise from this deal and you will have to assert yourself in order to get an upper hand on this matter. Open your eyes and learn from this situation and hold back with your desire to act too quickly as this could backfire if done in a haste.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
The reality of practical things seems to be challenged by much illusion and dreaming in connection to your highest ideals and beliefs in life. Some of your exceptional talents may resurface and give you the means to reach your goals. Your emotions could be on the way and they should be used in a constructive manner to make possible an improvement with your outside resources. Much restraint should be used with your personal resources, as there is the tendency to scatter them on the wrong choices.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
This month you will be handling your personal business in a very private way and this is connected to unexpected developments related to a distant place and also to the publishing world as your talents could get some recognition. Impulse to do something with your shared resources could be great but guard yourself of self-deception. Your mate or partner could be asking questions at the right time. In other words do not put all your eggs in one basket. Go with your instinct on this matter.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You could be receiving some pleasant news connected to a friend and this could bring you unexpected developments in your area of outside income and resources. This will be connected to changes at your work place and are being pivotal in developing your special talents and expertise. Your energy will be oriented towards adjustments and learning all you can in the present circumstances. Much discipline and restraint could influence your future in a very positive way as long as you are aware of the difficulties that you face.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your career and goals in life are spotlighted for you this month. Your work area is in a very vague mode right now as there are many issues that you are questioning. With discipline, responsibility and hard work, you could have some gains in this situation. Pleasant thoughts will be coming to your mind in reference to your goals and optimism should prevail. After the 15th of the month, your worries and concerns at the work area could intensify, as you are trying very hard to break into a very confusing pattern.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
There is a possibility for you this month to take a trip of a short duration to a far away place and this should be of a very pleasant nature. There could be some obstacles connected to an investment or speculation as the whole scope is very vague. Many questions should be asked before you leap into anything as impulse to plunge into this is great. So hold your horses before you take them to the prairie because the field might be dry. Check, check, check. Some difficulties coming from the past connected to your home life could resurface, you would like to take care of this in a responsible fast way but be aware of difficulties.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your shared income and resources are in the limelight for you this month. Cooperation with your mate or partner in anything concerning your home will be necessary. Area of communication is open and chances are that you could get your way if you act on a fairly and pleasant manner. You are feeling a great desire of taking a trip but there are many obstacles that do not let this come to reality. All you can do for now is dream and maybe sometime in the future this could be a reality.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is in the spotlight this month for you. There is harmony relating this area with your personal resources as long as your lines of communication remain open as you do not seem to see eye to eye in some issues with your mate or partner and this could cause some tension. Your area of joint finances is also highlighted this month and there is much activity here but things might not come as planned and adjustments will have to be made as some road blocks exist on this area. Using your common sense and experience will be very helpful.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
There should be good communication related to your work area, as things seem to be going smoothly right now. There could be some obstacles in this area related to lack of vision in connection to your personal income. Communication should be established in a rapid fashion in order to present your strength and talents and this could contribute to a better income for you. Your emotions could very easily get in your way. Use this in a constructive manner or things could backfire on you. Your mate or partner will give you plenty of encouragement on this.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your area of social and entertainment activities are in the forefront this month. Thoughts concerning a pleasure trip of a short duration could be on your mind. You will be ready emotionally to take this trip. You could get some encouragement from your work place that could facilitate this for you. You seem to have many doubts and ambivalent feelings in relation to this. Many questions should be asked before you commit yourself to anything and pay any money towards it. There is much activity in your work area and more responsibility will be asked from you.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
This month you might be spending a lot of your time in things related to your home. Your thoughts will be focused on the idea of getting items for the comfort and beautification of your surroundings. Many social activities could be coming your way but you will have to try to be more selective in which ones you should go for as some of this could be of a very wishy washy nature. You should be aware of offers that are not presented in a true light especially surrounding plans for a trip. After the 15th of the month you will be giving all your concentration to your plans for your home and good results will come from this.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
You could be getting some very vague information in regards to a friend or acquaintance that could cause you some tension. Let your gut feeling guide you on this matter as this could cause you some difficulties at your home base. Very pleasant news could also be reaching you in regard to a sibling. You could find yourself this month also tackling many tasks and responsibilities at home that you have been putting off for a while. Beware as not to overdo it. Orient yourself, as tendency to go in circles could be present.

For June 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
You will be trying to get some input concerning your personal resources as this is very much on your mind right now. You are getting very vague news in reference to your goals and career but there is cooperation coming from a well-informed old sibling or acquaintance that could be helpful to you. A lucky break could be coming your way. Your home life is surrounded right now with lots of worries and agitation but you will not let this get to you and you will show lots of enthusiasm to the outside world. You will be learning your lesson in a promising useful way.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your personal possessions and values are on the agenda for you this month. There is much activity in this area connected to your career and goals as unexpected developments are occurring here. This could be a lucky break for you. Many restrictions that you have been experiencing with your personal finances could dissolve. Very positive news will come your way but this could make you worry, as you are concerned that things might not come together. Remember that your talents and abilities are being looked at and this will work in your favor.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
This month you will be looking at your personal responsibilities in a very positive way in spite of many unclear feelings connected to your joint financial interest. Your energy is being channeled in a very fortunate way although your thoughts seem to be causing some tension, as preoccupation concerning your personal income exists. A desire to go through a shopping spree for luxury items could be against your best interest. Learn from past experience or you will have to repeat the same lesson once more.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You will be spending a great part of this month taking care of private matters especially matters concerning relationship with your mate or partner. Many positive results could be reached. This month you will have a great desire to look your best but do not let this take you toward feelings of too much preoccupation. Relax and things will work out smoothly. Some differences of opinions and difficulties could be present at your work place arising from past experience. Learn from this and act accordingly; you will know what to do.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
This month will bring to you many fortunate circumstances with unexpected social gatherings that could keep you very busy throughout the end of the month. This could also make you feel some agitation as it could become too much of a good thing. Perhaps you should stop and ask some questions before you commit yourself to more than you can handle. Cooperation at your work place will be asked from you and a new learning experience will be offered. You will be feeling some worries and concerns but an unexpected offering could be coming your way.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your career and goals in life are in the spotlight for you this month. Unexpected developments could surface at your work place that could cause you some mental tension but you will come to the realization that these changes are meant for growth. You are putting a lot of your energy towards an investment or speculation that is presented to you in a very unclear fashion. Caution should be used, as things might not come together the way you would want them to be, with cooperation and wisdom you could have things working towards your benefit.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Planning for a far away trip could be on the agenda for you right now. There will be many unexpected social activities that will be very appealing to you. You will be trying to work out the expenses that these activities will entail and you will be having a hard time doing so as there are some obstacles and restrictions in the way. This could cause you lots of agitation and worries. A friend could be of help in providing the necessary funds but there could be many strings attached that could cause you much worry in the long run.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your joint finances are in the limelight for you this month. There are unexpected developments at your home front that will need mutual cooperation between you and your mate or partner. You will have to use reasoning and try to communicate so you could make a mutual right decision. Guard yourself from using unclear communication as this could cause you an unnecessary backlash. There are some restrictions and road blocks concerning your shared resources and you could get an idea that could be of great help on this matter.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is in the spotlight for you this month. Communication with your mate or partner intensifies and mutual responsibilities are put on the carpet and discussed. Many worries and concerns could be discussed concerning your mutual joint resources of income. You have a lot to learn concerning how to handle these resources. Sometimes too much can be difficult to handle. You will be putting much thought toward your area of work as there is news of changes in this area that are not to your liking and you will have to work this out.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Work and matters concerning your place of employment will be on the forefront for you this month. There could be favorable activity in this area that could affect you in your personal income. More responsibilities will be asked from you but you cannot comprehend the full scope of things. You should get clarification concerning money matters and what is expected of you. Your partner or mate could give you some negative input, as there are many worries and concerns present in your mind. Perhaps there should be more questions asked, as clarification is very important.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
This month you could be surrounded with many social activities. Some of these activities could feel to you like a restriction as you feel yourself pulled in different directions at the same time. Choices could be very difficult to make and this could get on your nerves. Going with the flow should be the best way. You could be feeling some mental tension related to your home front and you could be magnifying your personal worries. The root of these worries could be at your work place but you soon will find that these worries are unfounded.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
This month your home surroundings will be in the spotlight for you. You will find your home responsibilities getting easier as you try to merge them in a more reasonable and practical way. You will be taking action where it is necessary and will not waste your time on unnecessary things. You would love to make plans for a trip purely for entertainment purpose but you will find that it will be hard for you to put things together at this time. You will be trying very hard to reason the way your money goes, as many unexpected expenses seem to be appearing.

For July 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
The focus for you this month is in your area of home and things related to it. There should be lots of action and activity in this area and some of you could be changing residence right now. This could be emotionally rewarding for you although there could be some personal financial restrictions and you are giving a lot of thought at how you will be able to handle your expenses in the future. Tightening your budget could be one of your choices. In spite of all this a move could be to your advantage and all your questions will dissolve as you decide to go for some adjustments on this matter.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your area of communication and short trips is in the spotlight for you right now. You could have the impulse to take a trip in a very fast fashion and unexpected circumstances could make this very advantageous for you. Your personal finances have been giving you a lot to think about and this is causing you emotional tension. You need to make some adjustments in this area. This could also be influenced by differences of opinion with your mate or partner about the way to handle your joint resources. What you did in the past might not work in the future.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Some of you could be very lucky this month and be able to increase your personal resources. Financial reward could be forthcoming. This might also be the right time to communicate with a loved one in a lucky way. A person from your past could be reentering your life at this time. There is a lesson in the making that could come caused by aiming too high in certain of your desires. Be aware of the unexpected on this matter. The second half of the month could bring you some preoccupation caused by your place of work. Look at the situation with an open mind.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
This month opens up for you with a lot of questions concerning your outside or shared resources, as there is much uncertainty in this area. Follow your instinct as this should be the most reliable and beneficial for you. Mentally you will have many doubts but your experience will guide you on this. There are many changes happening in your area of work. The way you did things in the past are changing and these new changes would prove to be of gain for you. You will be giving many thoughts, after the 15th of the month to a relationship that has proved to you a source of agitation; some reorientation in this area is necessary.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
You might spend a greater part of this month doing things in a very private manner. Your excess of energy is being aimed towards figuring out how to improve your outside sources of income and you could be going in the right direction. A well-meaning friend could be giving you some negative advice but it could work out in a very constructive way. You also have a great desire to look your best for a loved one. You could be involved in a relationship that needs a lot to be worked out and many adjustments will have to be done before you could reach any permanent agreement.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your area of friends and charity organizations is in the limelight for you this month. There is much activity in this area. This could cause you some tension in regard to your goals and place in the community. You should not chew more than you can swallow. Right now you are feeling most comfortable at your home environment and you like it very much. The changes in this area have been very beneficial to you. Your work area has brought much gain and independence to you and much more should be coming your way.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your career and goals in life are prominent for you this month. You could be involved in asking many questions in regard to an investment or speculation, as clarification is important. Gain could be coming your way from this in a very unexpected and surprising manner and your talent will be wanted and required on this. Your work could be smooth and easy right now but you could have some thoughts that could hold you back on this matter as pessimism could set in but opportunity is there for the taking.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You could decide to go on a trip in a very quick manner as feelings that your presence is needed is felt in connection to your outside sources of income. You could be feeling that your experience and input will be necessary on this matter as some tension exist and you will need to clear the air in a constructive manner. You could gain something very beneficial from this that could bring you an improvement in your personal income. The picture is very favorable for you.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your shared and outside sources of income are in the spotlight for you this month. There are many opportunities for you in this area that should need immediate action from you. Follow your feelings in this matter as your reasoning could produce a lot of unnecessary tension. There will be much encouragement for you on this matter. Communication should take priority, as orientation is necessary as some issues are very vague. All might not be as it is presented to you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
This month, there is much activity in your area of marriage and partnerships. Many social activities could come your way, which will keep you very busy for most of the month. You could be very open and receptive to all these activities. Some adjustments will have to be made in connection with your personal expenses as some uncertainty is surrounding this area. Connections that you could make throughout your social activities could bring you very surprising and unexpected personal profit.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Your area of work is in the forefront this month, there is much activity connected to this area that could be very favorable for you monetarily. There are many opportunities for you in here so you will have your pick. An investment or speculation could be part of this picture but there could be some road-blocks on this matter. Much thought should be given to this in a responsible and experience manner. There are many things in this area that are very unclear to you, as you cannot see this in a realistic light. Ask questions and make adjustments accordingly.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
A very good opportunity to make an investment could be coming your way. Input from your home base could cause you some tension as talking of holding back in this situation could be taking place. Ask many questions as you can have some reorientation in the way you give and take in communicating. The future could be pointing at a very rosy picture at your work place and good luck towards your future. Your talent could be coming to the surface in a very unorthodox way and you could gain from all this in a profitable way.

For August 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
This month you could be looking forward to a trip of a short duration that will keep you very busy and will be beneficial for you. You could feel some emotional tension in regards to this trip and your personal resources could be affected, but you will be able to work this out in a constructive manner. Unexpected news concerning your future will reach you and this could bring you responsibilities that will be beneficial for you in the long run in spite of the worries that feelings of uncertainty might bring to you.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
This month your home is in the limelight for you. There should be much activity in this area as much thought might be given to repairs or improvements on this sector. Your shared resources should be available to be used towards this. You might have ambivalent feelings towards this that can cause you some emotional tension as you try to figure out how all these expenses could affect your future and aspirations. Many dreams that you have concerning an improvement with your personal income could become a reality in a very surprising manner.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Communication is the key word for you this month as this area is highlighted. You could be receiving multiple news and lots of communication concerning your mate or partner. This could cause you some worries in regards to your personal possessions. You could be giving yourself some emotional obstacles that you could resolve in a harmonious manner. Your sense of responsibility could be shaken this month in a beneficial way. You are looking at your beliefs with an unrealistic light but this might be good for you at the present time. Dreaming of better things to come is always beneficial as we can make dreams come true.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Your area of personal possessions and values is in the spotlight this month for you. You could be receiving extra income from your work place and you will be trying to reason the source of this income in a positive manner. Do not look a gift horse in the mouth. Use this situation in a constructive way and do not let tension build up unnecessarily. Remember you are going through a very positive and full of opportunities cycle. Your intuition will play a key role in helping you channel your shared resources in a positive and useful way.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
This month you will find yourself full of energy and you will be using this energy towards many sources of entertainment that you have done in the past. This could be caused by some nervous tension that is related to your mate or partner. This could be causing you some agitation as you worry concerning your personal resources and your friends. An old friend could reenter your life at this time in a surprising manner. Watch yourself very carefully when you drive as you could have the tendency to speed more than is necessary. Caution is the key word for you this month.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
You will be giving this month many thoughts at your personal matters and home environment. You would like to do more on improving this area that you had done in the past. Your work area will be providing for these improvements in a very unexpected way. Your career is becoming steadier as you are gaining much experience in your field. Although you worry about many uncertainties on this area that are caused by differences of opinion. Trust your judgment and assert yourself in what you truly believe is the right thing to do.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your area of friends and charitable organizations will be very active this month. You will be receiving lots of communication on this area that could keep you very busy this entire month. There could be some obstacles due to misinterpretation. Help from someone from far away could save the day for you. You could be feeling threatened concerning your place in the community and this will be causing you worries. All this is due to a lack of clarity in what you are expected to do. Clarification should take place.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your aspirations and ambitions in life are in the limelight for you. There is much activity in this area as you are giving many of your thoughts at how to better attain them and get consequently more financial reward that you got in the past. This is starting to show promise for you. Your higher ideals are being challenged and this is causing you some agitation and feelings of uncertainty. There are continuous changes at your home base that are very favorable for you and this is made possible by responsible hard work by you in the matter of your shared finances.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Some of you could be on your way toward acquiring a higher education and this is something that you always desired. This is bringing very favorable slow changes in your life. There are many worries and concerns that are bothering you in reference to finances, but there is the promise of help on this matter and a good opportunity will be coming your way. News concerning your mate or partner could be reaching you in a very unexpected manner concerning your future together. Harmony will prevail in this area although there are issues that are not ready to be resolved as they are not completely clear at the present time.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
The area of shared and outside resources is in the limelight this month for you. There is much activity in this area that is happening behind closed doors in a very private way. Good communication could bring very favorable results on this matter. Your mate or partner could have some negative input on these issues as there are many worries and concerns but they are exaggerated and over inflated. Do not let this bother you and use a clear head. Surprising matter concerning your personal income could impact you very favorable and should be coming by way of a superior person at your work place.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
There will be much activity this month in your area of marriage and partnerships. Many things related to this area are being discussed and some of your friends are part of this scenario. There seems to be some agitation in your work area. All of this is very interconnected and an opportunity of a work change could be discussed. The changes that you have been having in your personal life seem to be shaping up a new future for you. Your worries are about insecurity concerning more responsibilities. As time goes by you will get a better picture of all this.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your work area is in the spotlight for you this month. Extra work could be asked from you and your input will be appreciated. You will have much to contribute on this area. Responsibilities at home will have to be worked out with your mate or partner as some tension could be building up on this area. You seem to be having worries that are unfounded and it is hard for you to define the right way of doing things. This could be resolved by using innovative ways to share these responsibilities. You must be aware of where you are standing in regards to your aspirations and how you can use your presence in an effective way.

For September 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your work area and things related to it seem to be on your mind this month. You could be having lots of interchange of ideas that could bring you the better future that you have dreamed of. An offer of a partnership could be presented to you in a very unexpected fashion and this could be the lucky break that you have been expecting for a long time. More responsibility will be wanted from you and you will have to be ready for this. Some differences of opinion could surface and you will learn a great deal from this.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
A short trip could be on the agenda for you this month. This will be for pleasure and entertainment purposes. This could be a very happy occasion for you. Your work area seems to be bringing you very surprising changes towards your future and consequently to your personal income. This should be favorable for you. Some tension could arise in connection to children or a lover and all this could be settled in a friendly way. Think things thoroughly before you make any decision on this matter and learn from this experience.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
The limelight for you this month is on the area of your home base. You could encounter some tension and obstacles on this area, but you will be able to deal with this in an intelligent way and harmony should prevail. There is a learning process that you will be going through in connection to your shared resources. Good fortune could be smiling at you in connection to a loved one with unexpected happenings. Handling this situation with maturity and responsibility will be very favorable for you. You could become worried after the 15th of the month concerning your outside sources of income as this area is very vague right now, but this should work out in a favorable manner.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Communication is the key word for you this month. You could receive very surprising news connected to your future. Look at this with an open mind, as you might not be able to understand the whole scope of things. Talents that you have used in the past are being looked at and considered towards future changes for you at your work place. Some adjustments will have to be made with your mate or partner connected to all this as worries and concerns could get to you. Luck is waiting for you behind closed doors.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Personal resources and values are in the spotlight for you this month. There could be some tension connected to an investment or speculation and this could come through a friend. Some of your outside resources could save the day. You could be the recipient of very happy news concerning an old friend and this will catch you by surprise. Your mind will be at work figuring out how to increase your sources of income as you want a better future and you do not see this very clear in connection to your line of work. Clarification will come.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
This month you could find yourself trying to reconcile conflicts that you have related to your home and goals in your life. Your mate or partner could be of help in finding and answer for you on this matter. Very favorable circumstances could provide you with better personal income due to changes and innovations at your work place. Your thoughts will be focused towards your future goals. Your imagination and dreams could be part of this picture. You could be thinking of new ideas that you will wish to make reality. Questions should be coming to your mind concerning the validity of all this. Learning is part of this picture.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
You will start this month with a strong feeling towards looking your best and giving yourself some physical comfort. Desire to take a trip for pure entertainment purposes to a far away place could come to you in a sudden manner. This could be very fortunate for you in spite of some restrictions that you might encounter. You need to resolve some obstacles that concern your past, and you are trying to do it in a very private way. You could be the recipient of news concerning future plans that could help you to clarify many issues at your home base.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your area of friends, hope and wishes is in the limelight for you this month. You are having ambivalent feelings related to your past and present and circumstances that bind each other together. Being aware of these feelings will help you work them out in a creative manner. There are many changes at your home base that continue happening and right now they are looking their best as a very positive outcome is tied to your outside resources of income. News of a vague nature could be coming from a friend that is connected to your future endeavors; all looks very rosy but watch for a hidden agenda. A lesson is in the making for you here.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your career is very prominent this month for you. You are putting a lot of your thoughts in planning how to reach what you wish in life as you see the future in a very optimistic manner. There is much illusion attached to this especially related to your personal sources of income. You could be profiting from a learning experience. A good opportunity to enter into a partnership could be present at this time and you could be receiving many unexpected news related to this and connected to the input that you could bring with your special talents. This could become a lucky break for you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Some of you must be heading right now towards starting a much wanted higher education. All your thoughts are aimed towards a career that could open up a future for good job prospects for you. There is much dreaming related to this and some of you could be changing the course of your aims toward the future. Surprising favorable circumstances could come to your aid in providing comfort for you in the career of your choice.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Money matters concerning your joint and outside resources are in the spotlight for you this month. Your way of thinking could take you towards making a new investment that could be very important towards your future. This is something that you have been dreaming about and might come to reality at the present time. There are many surprising circumstances surrounding all this, but as you should know your life has been full of surprises for the last few years anyhow.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
The spotlight this month for you is on your area of marriage and partnerships matters. You will be giving a lot of thought at your future related to your home and dreams that you have at the way you picture this future, but much illusion could be veiling the reality of things. In spite of all this harmony seem to be prevailing in this area. A lucky break could be coming your way throughout your outside resources and this could bring much harmony at your home base as you have been bearing much of the burden and responsibilities on this area.

For October 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of marriage and partnerships. Communication with a friend could bring some joy to your life. You could meet someone special at this time while taking a far away trip. Your work area will intensify and a lot more will be required from you as you have the knowledge to execute the tasks that are needed. You could get some good advice from an older sibling that could run against what you believe, but this will be of great benefit to you. This will cause you agitation and worries but all is well intentioned.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
This month things could happen at your work place that you have long waited for. Your future and personal income could look brighter than before but you should be sure that this is what you really want as you could be filled with many uncertainties. Cooperation from your mate or partner will be present but he or she could point out to you some shortcomings that you should be aware of. You will have to make many adjustments in regards to your personal and shared resources and negotiations should be put on the table. Your knowledge and special talents will be discussed.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your feelings right now are focused towards having a holiday. Perhaps you will be dreaming of a far away trip to be taken in the near future. Right now it is okay to dream but reality is something else and this could happen at another time. There are many restrictions that you have been having in your life and these are becoming more of a burden right now than ever and you have a great desire to liberate yourself from this burden. All this way of thinking could bring you some worries in connection to your work field, in spite of this, you are getting a feeling of self worth from what you do.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
There are very harmonious circumstances surrounding right now your home and things related to it. You are dreaming about how to use your outside resources towards making a better future home life. You will have many opportunities that could facilitate this for you as work that you have done in the past could start to bear fruit. You could encounter some obstacles in connection to a promising investment or speculation and this can cause you some worries as you feel that you will like to put some limits to this transaction. Follow your intuition and do not let anyone rush you into anything.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
This is a communication month for you. You will be receiving news in connection to a mate or partner that could be very favorable for your future. You will get some encouragement from a loved one that will help you to try to reconcile your past with your future as you are starting to be aware of mistakes that you have made in the past and try to correct them. There is some tension that has been building up at your home base related to uncertainties that you feel in connection with your mate or partner. There are many worries and concerns as you are feeling right now many limitations in connection to this area.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
The limelight for you this month is on your area of personal possessions and values. There are many things at your work area that seem to finally merge the way you have planned all along and the future appears very bright. There are also many changes that you are encountering in this area that need to be worked out with prudence. You could be encountering some tension while communicating with coworkers as there are some issues that need clarification as worries and concerns about some limitations exist. You could come across in a very pleasant, reassuring and charming way.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
An unexpected trip to a far away place could be on the agenda for you this month. This will be attached to some responsibilities related to a parent or older family member. You are looking at your future with an unrealistic approach but things seem to be heading towards a very positive outcome for you. Your desire to help this person monetarily could feel like a real burden to you and consequently cause you some worries. A friend could come to your aid on this matter that will help you resolve this in a positive way.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You could have positive results concentrating all your thoughts in a very private manner in connection to your personal income as changes in this area are coming in a very lucky way. There is a very big momentum in this area of your life right now. You could be getting many ideas about how to use your outside resources and all this also will come to you alone in the privacy of your home. You are bringing a lot of your energy towards working to make all your hope and wishes a reality and you could use this in a very constructive way right now. Let your knowledge guide you on this matter.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Friends and social activities with them are in the spotlight for you this month. You could receive communication from a friend of a very illusory matter that could cause you some worries, as you might feel responsible for the possible outcome of this. Wishing the best for your friend did not mean it will happen. This could be the cause of a lot of unnecessary tension, as reality with your friend will set in eventually. Let things run their course and all will level off eventually.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your career and reputation are in the limelight for you this month. You could be experiencing feelings of a very vague nature in reference to your personal values as this has been shifting in a different direction. These changes could be beneficial to your future endeavors in your work field. There is much tension surrounding this area and some negotiation should take place, as this is causing you worries and agitation. There is much opportunity to increase your outside resources so keep your options opened.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
A pleasant trip could be on the agenda for you this month. There is some insecurity surrounding this but things should work out in a favorable way. For those of you that are going throughout taking your higher education there could be some roadblocks that you will have to resolve in a constructive manner and think twice before you speak out something that you might regret later. There is no place here for anger. You are trying to look at your future with rose-colored glasses but inside yourself insecurities could create many worries. You are and will be letting go of some friends from your past and making new ones that will be more important for your future.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Cooperation is the key word for you this month. The resources that you share with your mate or partner should be working in a much more favorable way this month as the future is looked at with much illusion and this will make you feel a lot better as you worry continuously concerning this area of your life. You will like to see more changes at your home base and this could also happen with cooperation from your mate or partner as he or she has a lot of concerns about the comfort that you could provide without bringing any more tension in your life.

For November 2002

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your shared and outside resources are in the spotlight for you this month. You could receive news concerning this area that will prompt you to ask questions that you never thought about before. There is much tension surrounding your career and goals in life. There are very favorable circumstances surrounding your mate or partner, your goals and the communication of which we spoke before. You will be giving many thoughts at your limitations and responsibilities related to your marriage or partnership and this will help you to make the right decision. You will know what to do.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Matters concerning your marriage or partnerships are on the forefront this month for you. There is much reorientation that you have to do in connection to this area and your personal income. You should be open to a learning process throughout this area as there is much to learn here. You could act on impulse and use some of your hard earned money towards a short vacation trip, this might be done with a double purpose as you think that perhaps you could get some contacts in order to increase your outside resources.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Activities connected to your work place are on the agenda for you this month. You could be trying to deal with some obstacles connected to your shared and outside resources. Many questions should be asked as your future is going through many adjustments. There are many lessons for you to learn in this area. You are going through a period of personal limitations and you feel that you cannot wait to break away from all this. This can cause you some agitation in connection to a loved one. An opportunity to open lines of communication with your mate or partner is present and this could be very harmonious.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You could be facing this month a matter concerning an investment or speculation. There are many questions that you will need to ask, as there are many doubts in your mind concerning the income that could come to you from this area. Your mate or partner could express many doubts about how solid this investment could turn to be. You should discuss this in a friendly manner and try to reason all the angles before you commit yourself. Someone could be painting a rosy picture and pushing you into doing something that you are not sure of. Use your own judgment.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
It looks that you could be spending a lot of your time this month at your home base. There are certain issues at your work place that need to be resolved in a constructive manner as there are certain responsibilities that you have that appear very unclear to you. Communicating with coworkers could bring some cooperation on this matter as clarification of your responsibilities could be achieved. You are dreaming of the way you would like your hopes and wishes to become a reality and using your communication skills could help them to become true. The experience that you have could help you with your relationship with your mate or partner as there are many issues on this area that keep you very agitated. There is an emotional learning experience for you here and you worry at the same time about your personal resources.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
You could receive some news in connection to a matter related to your future desires in life. You will be inputting much action towards these goals and this could be very well related to a new investment venture. There are favorable circumstances surrounding all this. Desire to use your personal resources towards this could be present and you might go for it on impulse. This could cause you some tension that could be clarified with mutual cooperation with the different parties involved. This could also be the cause of some worries connected to your work area as the changes here are happening continuously at a very fast pace.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your area of personal resources and values is in the spotlight for you this month. Your beliefs and philosophical outlook in life are being challenged and are bringing changes for your future. Differences of opinion at your home base related to your personal resources seem to be bringing you emotional worries that you are keeping to yourself. There is some agitation that could be caused by children that could bring you some insight at what is your standing as an authority figure. Discussing this in an intelligent manner could bring some harmony to this picture.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
This month starts with a personal note for you in the matter of adjustments and reorientation towards your future shared resources. Your thoughts will be very involved with this area of your life and you might be able to communicate good ideas through an interchange with your mate or partner. There are many differences of opinion in this area and you do not see the reality of things in a true light. This could cause you to bottle up anger that can produce agitation at your home base. Ask questions and you shall learn.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
You will be using many private moments this month in analyzing your future with your mate or partner in connection to your personal income. You are ready to put lots of effort in this area of your life as you see a better perspective towards your future. Watch the way you communicate as you could come across very strong and sudden anger could surface and bring lots of agitation in your life. Using some restrain should be helpful at this time and let your reason guide you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your area of friends is in the spotlight for you this month. Coworkers are very much present in this picture as they could bring to you very useful knowledge. Someone of authority at your work place could have a promising interchange of ideas with you that could bring many favorable changes with your personal income. This could cause you some worries and concerns as things are happening too fast for you. Remember you have to grab the opportunity when it is presented to you.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Career, promotion or financial reward is prominent for you this month. A much-needed learning experience could come to you through an investment or speculation in which you have put lots of your hopes. This could be tied to a foreign matter and you will be giving lots of thought to this as you feel you have to put some limits on this transaction. The independence that you yearn for could be coming to you but it will not be without worries. Learning how to handle your shared resources will require some discipline and experience.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
This month could start for you with a matter related to a friend from afar. There are some questions that need to be asked, as this situation seems very unclear to you, and this could bring you some worries. This matter could rebound in your favor monetarily and should bring to your home life some comfort towards your future. Some reorientation and adjustments will be necessary. You are going through many interior changes and your sense of responsibility could head towards a different direction at this time.

For December 2002

For January 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your career and goals in life are in the spotlight this month. You have been giving much thought to this area of your life, especially at the many responsibilities that you have to face in order to reach your highest goals. You have found communication surrounding this area very difficult as you find many roadblocks when you try to express what is on your mind. You have many doubts and you must sort out between all the confusion that you have and make sure that you know what you really want. There are many lessons for you concerning your outside sources of income and this will work towards your advantage.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
A short trip to a far away place could be on the agenda for you this month. Also news concerning a foreign matter could reach you. There is something that could cost you monetarily in the long run as very unclear circumstances seem to surround it. Unexpected developments could bring some monetary gains for you connected to your mate or partner and this could create a lot of interchange of communication that could bring some tension in your relationship. Try to work things out in a constructive way. Slow favorable changes could occur in your area of your outside resources and income related to all this.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your outside sources of income seem to be in the spotlight this month, this area could cause you a lot of preoccupation as there are many things in this area that are hard for you to comprehend. Have some faith in the future as things could work out in a very favorable way for you. There are many adjustments that will be necessary at your work place and you will need to have open lines of communication so you could work out any differences that you might have in this area. On or after the 15th of the month you might get a very favorable answer.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is in the spotlight for you this month. Some minor friction related to investments or speculations could be present. An unexpected obstacle could come your way in this area that could make you desire to act on impulse. Lots of learning could come to you from this experience. You could be worrying about your future and this does not let you see things as they really are. You will find soon enough that these worries are unfounded. There are some obstacles concerning your personal and shared resources and this should be faced in a constructive manner with aid from your area of work.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your work place might have been giving you some worries as you question yourself where is your future leading to, but there are good circumstance that are very promising for you in this area. You could be having some differences of opinion with your mate or partner related to your personal ambitions and desires. You could work this out in a harmonious loving way. You could learn more on how to handle your life and this will be to your advantage. After the second half of this month you will find that your home life has improved as slow changes finally are starting to surface.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
The area of investments and speculation is on the agenda for you this month. You seem to have some worries and concerns about some roadblocks that you have with the goals and direction in life that you are seeking. Unexpected very favorable circumstances seem to be coming your way throughout your work area. Much communication will be established behind closed doors concerning negotiations and much gain should come your way from this direction. This will become a good learning experience for you.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Activities at your home base will be occupying lots of your time and your thoughts will be focused on matters related to it. You will have many ambivalent feelings related to the future of your shared resources and this could cause you some agitation. You could find yourself spending on impulse more that you necessarily need and this could bring some tension among friends. A lesson well learned could be useful right now. Listen to good counsel and take advantage of good advice.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
The key word for you this month is communication and this could be related to marriage or partnerships issues. You could have some feelings of frustration concerning a matter that is not presented to you in a clear light. Work related matters seem to be very favorable right now and much inspiration concerning new ideas could come to your attention. There are some obstacles concerning your future goals but this could be handled in a constructive way with input from your mate or partner. He or she could teach you how to handle your worries and concerns. After the 15th you might receive some news from afar that could bring you useful knowledge.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
The area of personal possessions and income is in the spotlight for you this month. You are giving much thought to this area involving your responsibilities toward your mate or partner accompanied by some feelings of frustration. Your future work related undertaking could be very favorable on this situation. You could be the recipient of unusual news coming from a far away place that could be against your way of thinking. Bottling up your anger or resentment could bring some obstacles that you might regret. Soften the way you come across and you could gain by it.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
This month could start with a minor friction with a friend related to money matters. This friend could show you a thing or two related to your job responsibilities that could be profitable for you in an unexpected manner. Remember that friction will cause you to take some action that could be very beneficial for you. Your approach towards your personal income and possessions are changing in a slow positive way and there is a very good chance for you to increase your outside resources. You are having many worries and concerns about your work area but these are nothing but unfounded worries caused buy a vivid imagination.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
This month starts pointing towards very favorable changes concerning a loved one. This is causing you unnecessary worries, as you do not see the whole picture in a true light. A loving lesson is coming your way from this area. You will be pulling all your energy towards reaching your goals in life in spite of some differences of opinion with your mate or partner. A good friend will help you to see the changes in your life in a very positive manner and this will bring you a sense of optimism and hope. There is a lot of cooperation coming from your home base but it is very hard for you to see the whole scope of things.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Many activities with friends should be coming your way this month and this will be very much in your mind. Some of these activities could be related to your job area and they could be worked out towards your advantage. Some of these activities could be looked at as obstacles but they should be worked out in a positive way as this could cause you some emotional tension. Your home responsibilities could be changing in a very favorable way and you will be learning how to do this in a loving way as you adjust to the everyday changes.

For February 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
This month will be highlighted for you on your area of friends and charitable causes. You will have lots of activities connected to the above. Unexpected news of a favorable nature will come your way related to your many social activities with friends. This will be something that will be of help to you with your responsibilities in this area. News from a far away place could make you be aware of differences of opinion that are causing you worries in your area of investments. Your mate or partner could bring his or her opinion and help to you on this issue.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Career, promotion and financial reward could be on the agenda for you this month. There are many issues concerning your future endeavors that are on the table right now. There is much imagination and illusion connected to all this and it could bring many changes concerning your personal income as this area has been pretty strict for you for these last two years. Lady Luck could play a role on all this. Potential move of residence could cause you some agitation on your area of shared resources. Your mate or partner could give you very useful encouraging input on this issue.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You could be experiencing a pretty good insight in reference to the different limitations that you have felt for the last year or so. You are getting a very good idea how to rid yourself from all these limitations and learn how to handle them to your advantage. You are seeing your future with rose-colored glasses due to some difficulties that you have in communicating. Remember sometimes less that you say is more. This could cause you some worries with your mate or partner as you have many issues that you should be aware of and handle with diplomacy.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Your area of outside and shared resources is in the limelight for you this month. You have many personal well-hidden limitations that you are ready to get rid of in order to increase your shared resources and luck could be with you at this time. Connections with friends could bring very good prospects on this area for you. Interchange of ideas with your mate or partner could be useful but they could bring many illusory ones. Worries could set in connected to your work place and income derived from it and this is all connected to investments made in the past that could still play a big part on all this.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is in the forefront for you this month. There should be much activity and new developments related to your future. You will be receiving much insight related to all this through a friend that will be favorable for you if you follow it through. Your work area will be very much on your mind as you are trying to figure how to merge this area to your future endeavors. You should experience much activity at your home front as many of you could be changing residence and this will work in a very favorable way for you. A loved one could be the cause of some agitation as you try to handle all the changes that you are having in your relationship

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
You could be going through many unexpected changes at your work place that could bring you very favorable results due to your dedication and hard work. Emotionally this will reach you in a positive way. This could very well be related to a future endeavor with a foreign or far away place. You will be receiving many news and communication related to an investment or speculation that needs to be negotiated before and intelligent decision is made. Your thoughts will be occupied with this most of the month. This could also cause you some worries and concerns at your home front.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
There is much activity for you in your area of investments and speculations. A far away place could be involved in this picture that could bring you some unexpected reward that is well deserved and future income could be coming from this. Watch for impulse communication with a friend or acquaintance, as this could be the source of some agitation. There is much difference in the way you look at things and the way the other person does. You will be spending some time at your home base thinking and dreaming of your good fortune. Good luck.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Harmony should prevail at your home front this month in spite of some unexpected developments related to your outside sources of income. These developments should be very positive and well deserved. This could bring you a sense of security with your personal income, as you are being aware of the different difficulties that you could be facing in regards to the changes that you are having in this area. You could be feeling very impatient in regards to your goals as you see this in a clear way but tendency to think too fast could create some personal money worries for you and there is no basis for this concern.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
This month the spotlight is on your area of communications. There could be some news connected to your future at the work place that could be very favorable for you. This will not be very clear to you in regards to your personal income and questions should be asked in order to clarified any points that are not clear to you. A trip to a far away place could be connected to this picture but beware of doing anything on impulse as the tendency will be to act fast, this could bring some personal money worries.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your personal possessions and values are in the spotlight for you this month. There should be much activity in this area related to some kind of investments or speculation that could be favorable for you in the future. You are having a lot of illusions on this deal and your instincts could be on target this time. Much responsibility will come your way from your work place that could rock the boat with your personal income and this could work very favorable for you in the long run. Worries could be on the back of your mind concerning your outside resources but optimism should prevail on this area.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Much harmony will be surrounding your personal life at your home base. Set backs that you had in your area of investments and speculations could bring favorable unexpected developments but be aware of more difficulties related by differences of opinion with your mate or partner. This could cause you some agitation. Follow your instincts in any decision that you have to make related to investments. Your social activities could be on the increase and they could be related to the standing in the community that you wish to seek. Some of these activities could be very useful to your business.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
You could be spending lots of your time this month attending to private matters that could be related to siblings. There are certain issues that you have at your home base that had caused you much restriction and given you more responsibilities that you really will like to take but there are very favorable unexpected developments that could bring great help to you. Success could be knocking at your door at your work place. You will be looking at this as too much of a good thing and this could cause you some worries and concerns. Your difficulties are focused in lack of understanding of the whole situation. You will receive news concerning your future that could be very positive.

For March 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
You could find yourself this month undertaking some private matters concerning your home base and you are receiving some challenges in this area that will teach you a thing or two. You could be receiving some income coming from your past that could bring some comfort at your home. Some of you Arians could also be changing residence right now. There will be some changes in your area of personal resources that could be affected by a friend’s influence and this could bring some tension for you as you will see this as obstacles. Your emotions could get in the way that you communicate your thoughts on this matter. Some restrain and show of maturity will help you come out of this in flying colors.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Social activities with old acquaintances or friends could keep you busier than you wish to be this month as you could see this as obstacles on your daily routine. There is someone that is trying to teach you something that will be useful for you in connection with your mate or partner. You could be going through a period of restrictions with your personal income and this is very much attached with your outside resources and it could bring you some difficulties. You could deal with this in an effective way if you are aware of the situation. Be alert!

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your sense of self esteem will be spotlighted for you in connection to your goals in life. There are many issues at your work place involving your past performance that could bring you some unexpected obstacles. Your future seems to be giving you some tension. You are going through a learning experience connected to your personal values and income as you might be spending more than you should conserve. You could get some assistance and cooperation from your work place. Your mate or partner could be also lending you a hand in helping towards your future endeavors.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You might be planning to take a trip to a distant place connected to your past as you feel like this is the right time for you to do it, but there are many obstacles connected to this trip that could cause you much tension. You need some reorientation before you commit yourself to take any trip right now. Your energy could be used instead at your work place as you could come across new ways to improve your work performance. An unexpected opportunity could come your way that could bring you an increase in your outside sources of income if you put your mind into this at the present time.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your shared and outside sources of income are on the forefront this month for you. There could be some tension at your home base with your mate or partner connected to this. Communication should be kept open as this will give you the opportunity to smooth differences in a constructive and harmonious way. You will be finding lots of cooperation at your work place that could bring you some future improvements in this area. You are learning from an experience much about your shared resources and how to work things out in a different way that you have done in the past. Your enthusiasm will keep you going in this area.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your area of marriage and partnerships and things related to it is in the spotlight for you this month. Communication with your mate or partner could cause some tension and you will have to deal with this situation in a constructive manner. Your work could be reflected at your home base and be the cause of some of this tension as changes at your work place are taking place very rapidly. Your natural abilities could bring some conciliatory conclusion to this matter. Your area of work is very busy right now and you seem to be putting all your attention and thoughts into this.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
You could be having this month some differences of opinion with coworkers that could produce some obstacles for you related to your future. A learning experience is attached to this for you. Diplomacy should be your best friend in this case. You could be receiving all sorts of communication by phone, email or regular mail and you will be able to discuss your special talents and abilities throughout this communication that could be useful at your line of work. You could be having some thoughts about pursuing a higher education and you will have to use your experience in making a decision in this matter.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You could be planning a trip to a far off place right now with the expectations of learning something useful for your future. Your past performance could be useful to you on this matter. You are having some road blocks on this matter connected to your mate or partner and this will have to be reconciled in a constructive way. You could be turning your charm and be very persuasive so you could have your point of view accepted. There are many unexpected happenings at your home front and you will be putting all your thoughts into this as you feel that your experience will help you handle this situation.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your home base is in the spotlight for you this month. Some tension could be present caused by happenings at your work place that could bring positive changes in your personal income. You will be able to handle all this in a very positive way as you will be feeling full of energy and ready to tackle any situation that could come your way. You should be aware that differences of opinion with your mate or partner could hold you back in what you wish to do. This could work in a favorable way for you if you keep your lines of communication open as this could give you the proper encouragement that you need to make changes without rushing head on into anything.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
If you keep your lines of communication open you could learn something very useful from your mate or partner as you have some differences of opinion concerning the way your personal income is handled. Putting all your thoughts into this area could bring you very good results at your work place and could make you see that your many responsibilities will bring the results that you yearn for. Very harmonious circumstances surround your area of love and children and future changes are in the making for you. The changes that you are going through in your area of personal income are causing you some worries as you see your past mistakes and perhaps are afraid to make them again. Remember you are aware so this will not happen.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
The limelight for you this month is on your area of personal income and values as this area seems to be bringing many changes that make it very hard for you to keep up with the expenses at your home base. Desire to get into an investment or speculation with a friend or acquaintance is great but there are many things that seem to be in your way as there are many possible differences of opinion with the other party. There could be a hidden advantage to all this for you. Your work area seems to be going through a good period for you as far as you can see but do not let yourself be deceived.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
This month you will feel very much aware of your past experiences with loved ones and all what you have learned through them. You will be involved in very private thoughts trying to analyze your home life and changes that you have grown to accept. This will bring you much understanding and facilitate harmony at your home. There is much awareness concerning your future goals and the changes that life is bringing to you. There is some action that you will like to undertake on this field of your life but you are encountering many road blocks and you will have to learn to handle them.

For April 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
This month your thoughts will be into communicating with siblings and relatives related to a possible move of residence. Much cooperation could come from an interchange of ideas and outside resources could be part of this picture. Difficulties related to money matters could bring some tension that could have to be worked out constructively probably with the intervention of an understanding friend. Your beliefs and way of thinking have been changing and you are starting to comprehend more now than you could before. You could have some worries concerning your future as you would like to push towards what you want in life.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
This month will bring to you many private moments as your thoughts could be absorbed in finding a way to facilitate a relief from your money restrictions that you have for approximately the last two years. There are many changes with your joint financial interest that are bringing many slow promising changes to your life. You would like to take some risks and they could bring to you much tension in connection to your future endeavors. Communication with friends and your mate or partner should increase and this will be of a favorable nature and could bring some constructive ways to change your goals on a positive manner.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
This month you should be involved in projects concerning friends or charity organizations and there will be much cooperation from your mate or partner. You will have very encouraging thoughts concerning your personal responsibilities. Work that you have done in the past could be profitable for you right now in better circumstances than you could ever expect. In spite of all this, you could be having a hard time trying to reconcile things that you have done in the past with what you would like to do in the future and now. There is much desire to change the ways that you use to do things before, as you feel that you are beating a different drum right now.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Your career is very much on your mind right now and a possibility of a promotion that has been long overdue could be on the agenda for you this month. You must be aware of the limits that you have on this situation which they might be mainly self imposed. You are feeling right now very optimistic and looking forward to expanding your knowledge with investments or speculations. You will have to use your insight on this situation as changes in your joint financial interest could come in a very rapid fashion. You will be showing what you know in making decisions in this area.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
A far away trip of a short duration could be on the agenda for you this month. This could be done for pleasure and also could be connected to your line of work. There are certain issues that you will have to reconcile mentally as your future at work is giving you some worries and concerns. Harmony at your home base seems to be highlighted right now. This could be very helpful with some issues that you have with your mate or partner that will have to be worked out without flying off the handle and acting on impulse. Love could be in the air if you know when to see it.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of joint financial interest and outside resources. You are putting all your thoughts into the area of investments and speculations as there are many issues that need clarification and negotiation on this area. This could cause you some agitation concerning future matters. Help from you home base will be helpful to you in showing you how to look at your limitations and how to assert your authority. Your special talents will come to the surface in a very fortunate way in dealing with your mate or partner. Cooperation from a friend will be very lucky for you.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is highlighted this month. Lines of communication with your mate or partner are open and very harmonious in spite of some differences that you might have concerning your home as some tension seems to be surrounding this area connected to your future joint finances and it could cause you some agitation. Your area of investments and speculations show a desire to get into a deal in a very rapid fashion as things appear very good, but you should guard yourself from any deception that could involve this situation. Use your intuition and gut feeling on this and you cannot go wrong.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
The area of work is on the forefront for you this month. You will have much interchange of ideas and communication concerning your personal finances that could result in a profitable outcome for you money wise. This should not come fast to you but it will be a slow process. This will be useful to you as you will learn and mature handling your joint resources. Communication with your mate or partner could cause you some agitation regarding your future as there are some differences of opinion concerning your home and very fast changes that are happening here. Some of these happenings are very much to your liking but watch for self deception.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
A short pleasure trip could be on the horizon for you this month. This could be something that you have been planning for a while and it might be happening now. This will be an opportunity that will be facilitated to you with the help of your mate or partner. Saying anything that comes to your mind without thinking first could be the cause of some agitation concerning your future at work. Try to use your language skills in a measure way as this could also backfire and give you worries concerning your personal income.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your home and things related to it are in the spotlight for you this month. Your thoughts will be involved in analyzing the inner changes that you are going through and your responsibilities at your work place that are bringing about many of these very favorable changes in yourself. You will be feeling this month very energetic and with a desire to do many things concerning social activities but this could cause you some agitation as you do not like to have too many irons in the fire, you prefer to do one thing at a time. Also unexpected cost caused by social activities of a very pleasant nature could cause some tension.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Communication is the key word for you this month. You will get some news concerning some new friends that you have met not too long ago as this area of your life is going through a transformation and you are meeting different people and creating a new circle of friends. You must be aware of all new acquaintances as they could bring some extra burden on your social activities. You are having some inner concerns connected to your future at home as you anticipate more changes in your life on this area. Your areas of work and health seem to be favorable right now and you could be getting rid of some minor health problem that you had in the past.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your area of personal income and values seem to be giving you some concerns and tension as you see slow changes coming to your life, but these changes are of a very favorable nature. You could be communicating to a friend some of these worries. All this might not be of help to you as this could cause more worries. You must be aware that some of these changes are connected to responsibilities at your home base but you could handle this in an effective way as you have a special talent to do this. There are very favorable circumstances surrounding your areas of love and children.

For May 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
The area of your personal income and values is on the agenda for you this month. There is a momentum toward your future success as a lot of energy is being applied toward this. You will be mentally recapping all what you have learned that could help you conserve and increase your personal resources. Your emotions could get in the way and cover the reality of things. A friend or acquaintance could be involved in all this and also could bring some constructive and innovative ideas that you could use in the future. You are developing more maturity in the way you communicate and your talent and charm could come to the forefront this month in any interchange especially at your home base.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your life could be surrounded this month with very fortunate circumstances in spite of some obstacles that you may encounter related to your goals. At this moment they seem to be rather nebulous for you to see clearly as some confusion on this area is present. Desire to improve your knowledge for a higher education is present and your future could be aiming toward this. News in regard to this could come your way in a positive way and of a very pleasant circumstance. You might learn this from the grapevine as privacy is present. You could need some reorientation regarding your joint financial interest and learn with the changes that are happening in this area.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Many private matters will be surrounding your life this month, some could be related to your shared and outside sources of income as lots of activity seems to be happening on this area that could be very beneficial towards your future. There is a lesson that you could be getting from your mate or partner as you try to adjust to changes in your relationship. Improvement in your personal resources could be coming your way but at the same time you might have the desire to spend more than you usually would do and this could be related to social functions with friends.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Social activities with your friends, mate or partner seem to be on the forefront for you this month. You will have very much on your mind all these adjustments that you are making related to changes at the work place and you will be learning well how to weight these changes against all your social activities. There could also be some tension built up with your mate or partner related to these many social times as the cost of all this is very vague or perhaps you do not wish to see it at the moment. There are many changes in your area of joint resources as speculations done in the past have caused you some obstacles with your shared income.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your area of career, promotion and financial reward is in the spotlight for you this month. There are some obstacles at your work place that could hit you emotionally as you could feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that is required from you right now. This is not being seen by your mate or partner in a clear way and this could cause some tension. There could also be some tension connected to rapid changes in your future relationships. In spite of all these feelings, your situation at work seems to be very favorable toward your future. You could learn something from a loved one if you pay attention.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
There is a possibility of a short trip to a far away place that could represent a challenge for you. This is also connected to your area of investments or speculations and this could bring a very positive outcome for you. An old friend could point out to you your talent to increase your joint financial interest due to your ability to charm others with your special knowledge. An opportunity will be waiting for you at the work place but things seem too vague for you to comprehend. The changes in your work area are continuing and you are learning to face the music in a constructive way.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your area of joint financial interest is on the agenda for you this month. There are some issues at home that are giving you tension as much activity is happening on this area. Cooperation will be present to give you a hand on these issues. You are seeing your area of investments and speculation in a very deceiving way as clarity is lacking. There are many changes occurring at a fast pace on this area that you have to deal with in a constructive and effective way. You will need to communicate your concerns about the changes that you are going through with your personal income.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is in the spotlight for you this month. There are many changes occurring at your home base that require a lot of adjustments on your life and they could cause you some tension. This is making you put some limits on your joint financial interest and this will rebound in a very beneficial way for you. You could be involved in communicating about these joint resources as your area of communication is very busy right now. Watch for a hidden agenda as everything is not spelled out to you in these communications.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
There are many issues concerning your work place that are on the table right now. These issues could be communicated to you in a surprising unexpected manner bringing you some obstacles at your work place. Handling these obstacles in a constructive way will help you to break away from an old pattern that you might have been following. Your mate or partner could bring much cooperation your way as this person could put a break into your sudden desire to act too soon. Your personal income could be mentioned by your mate or partner as you can not see this area in a true light.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
There are some investments or speculations that could be coming your way this month as this area is in the limelight for you. You could be feeling some tension related to this area and the area of your personal income as you see this area changing continuously. Luck is coming your way from your work place as your dedication and good work could be rewarded. You could be feeling very concerned about all this as you are not too clear on all the issues involved. Your thoughts are involved this month on your home as you are recapping on your good fortune while surrounded by loved ones and you are learning to appreciate what you have.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Your home base is in the spotlight for you this month. There is some tension in this area that could make you emotional. You will have to put your thinking cap on and analyze and appreciate all that you have learned and look toward your future with added energy. The changes that you are going through personally will have to be taken in a constructive way as your vision of these changes is not too clear for you yet. Lines of communication in your work area are full of opportunities in spite of some difference of opinion that you have to be aware of.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Communication is the key word for you this month. Interchange with a friend could bring you some tension but this person could have something to say to you that might be beneficial towards your future. You will be starting to get a much clearer picture of all you have learned while you try to reach your goals in life but you are doing this very slowly. Inspiration and new ideas could come to you that will help you in your endeavors. A good opportunity for an investment or speculation could come your way that could be profitable for you.

For June 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Communications is the word that will be on the agenda for you this month. A lucky break could come your way through a friend or acquaintance that could teach you how to handle some of your shared resources. Acting too quickly could cause you some tension in your personal income area, as all that is shown to you is not as real as it appears. Your knowledge and exceptional abilities should come to the forefront and help you on this matter. Follow your inner voice, it will not steer you wrong.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
The area of personal income and values is in the spotlight for you this month. A very lucky break could come your way that could help you to come closer to the goals in life that you had set for yourself to reach. There is much illusion attached to this. You might be finding out that your goals are changing but this could be a good thing for you. Many doubts will come to your mind. Your mate or partner could point the way and teach you a thing or two. Your thoughts are full of very pleasant things in spite of the many obstacles that you are encountering.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Some dreams that you have might come true right now and this is related to the way you come across in communicating with your mate or partner. There are many lessons that you are learning through your loved ones that could work for you for the better. Your talents and abilities could come to the forefront in helping you to communicate in a constructive manner in spite of any obstacles that you might encounter. There are many things that you have been learning in a rapid fashion as things seem to be coming from different directions at the same time and you are learning well.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You could be dealing with many behind the scenes issues connected to your shared resources and investments. You need to find some cooperation in finding out many things that are not clear to you in this area and this could be beneficial for you as feelings of insecurity could bring some worries to you in this area. You could be expanding your knowledge on how to increase your personal resources. An exchange of ideas with a friend could bring some tension but at the same time this could be very constructive and useful to you as this might awaken new ideas that you could use. You see the obstacles that you encountered in the past but this had served you in a fortunate way as a good learning experience.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Many of the activities that you will have with your friends this month will be of a very wishy washy nature and can create some limits in you that can cause you agitation. You could handle this with cooperation and it will work out for the best. There are many plans that could be changed and you and your mate or partner will have to roll with the punches. You could use your charming and persuasive ways to negotiate so everyone is happy. You seem to be profiting from your past experiences as you have learned and are learning well that all in life is not a bed of roses.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Career promotion and financial reward are in the spotlight for you this month. There are some issues at your work place that seem to be unclear to you but results should be of favorable circumstances in spite of your personal worries. These worries will get you into action to implement new innovative ideas that could be very useful to you. Communication about this should take place with someone from a far away place that could give you some constructive criticism which could be useful. Your special talent could play a key roll in all this.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
A very attractive offer for an investment could come your way that might make you wish to spring into action quickly. As far as your joint resources are concerned this could make you hesitate as there are issues that require negotiation before you act upon them. You could show that you are taking a very active part on this matter. You have learned in the past to deal with your personal resources and right now there is more to learn. Be open to any communication that could give you food for thought on this matter. After the middle of the month things will appear clearer to you and you will be able to approach all this in a more conservative way.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your area of joint resources is in the limelight for you this month. There are many harmonious circumstances surrounding this area connected to your home as the many changes that you are having at your home place are being approached in a more mature and experienced way and you will be doing whatever is necessary without going overboard. Your mate or partner could have some differences of opinion in all this and you will have to work this out in a constructive manner as this could cause you some agitation and worries which are completely unfounded and unnecessary.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
This month the area of marriage and partnerships and social activities is accentuated for you. You could have very serious favorable interchange with your mate or partner that could bring some positive changes in the way you communicate with each other. There are some issues related to your work place that will have to be settled constructively as this might be causing some tension between you and your mate or partner. This could be done with mutual exchange in an agreeable manner and looking at what it is of real value and significance in your life.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your hard work could be surprisingly compensated, possibly by an increase in your personal income, but at the same time you could have an impulse to spend it very quickly in matters of entertainment and this could backfire for you. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched as this extra income might not last. You must be aware of the differences of opinion that you have with your mate or partner as you are more conservative and the other party might want to overspent. You must establish some mutual cooperation.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
You could be inclined this month into getting in some new investment or some type of speculation and you could act faster than prudence requires. Your experience and insight could be very useful on this matter. You could have some interchange of ideas with people at your home base that could be very constructive on this for you. You could find out that your mate or partner is changing in a very favorable and positive way towards your future plans.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
This month you will be spending lots of your time at your home base and you could be having your very personal dreams related to what you wish for your home and home surroundings. You are getting ready to put forward lots of your energy into new innovative ways to do things at home. There are some insecure feelings that are giving you agitation in relation to all your personal responsibilities. You will have a lucky break and information shall come your way that will help you on this matter. An overabundance of work could be beneficial to you in helping you change your future goals.

For July 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Home is where your heart is this month. Your joint resources and the way you had handled them in the past seem to be of very favorable circumstances for you emotionally. At the same time you are trying to handle adjustments that you have in connection with friends and acquaintances some differences of opinion could arise and give you some concerns. Communication, although well intentioned, could be rather unclear. There are many questions that you have concerning your outside sources of income but you could use your experience to work with this to your advantage.

Taurus(April 21-May 21)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of communications very close connected to your area of personal income and resources. There are many issues in these areas that you are trying to resolve in a rapid fashion and this could work to your advantage but it could also bring you some emotional lessons that you will have to learn how to handle for your own benefit. You will have some monetary gain from this but watch for hidden issues that might be presented to you with rose colored glasses and could give you reason to worry.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your thoughts will be connected this month very closely to what you had learned and the experience that you had gone through in the past two years and the way your personal values have changed. This is giving you a very positive attitude and helping you to decide what is of value and what is not. Communication with your mate or partner is very favorable right now in spite of some emotional insecurities that you have connected to your personal income. Much reorientation will be required by you in this area as adjustments have to be made.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Changes with your joint financial interest will give you an emotional lesson at the same time your thoughts will be involved with new ideas on how to use what you are learning in a favorable and beneficial way for you. Investments and speculations done in the past could reap you some reward in spite of changes that are giving you some tension especially in the emotional aspect as it was pointed before. Your awareness in financial matters could be full of confusion and could cause you some agitation and worries. Let your inner voice guide you and you will gain by it.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Private times will be important for you this month as you try to reorient yourself emotionally in connection to your relationship with your mate or partner as there are many changes happening in this area for you. There are many worries and concerns about a loved one and your mutual relationship. Mutual cooperation could bring you luck on this matter in spite of all the emotional upheaval that you are going through, but this shall pass. There is a lot of confusion concerning your mutual interest and differences of opinion should be settled with mutual cooperation.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
This month you will be involved in communicating lots of ideas that you have for some time related to your area of work and this could be of a very favorable nature for you. You could be feeling some worries and concerns related to your work as you try to merge your new ideas with the circumstances that are surrounding you. There could be many questions asked but this will turn to be to your advantage. You will learn through communicating your future goals and aspirations.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your area of career and goals in life are in the spotlight for you this month. You are starting to think in a very positive way that something that looked unreachable is coming your way in a sudden and fast manner. Emotional adjustments will be required of you as you are questioning many of the circumstances that are surrounding your life right now. Your area of many friends and acquaintances is surrounded by many ambivalent happenings and is giving you many doubts about which of these friendships are real and which ones are not.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Communication from far away could be reaching you regarding marriage or partnership. This could be of a surprising nature and could affect you emotionally by giving you some worries and concerns in regards to your shared resources, but this will be of a very favorable nature. Your special talent and abilities are being looked at and this will work for you in a very effective way. Your life is working towards reaching the goals that you have set for yourself and very slowly this is moving towards a possible positive outcome.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
The limelight for you this month is on your area of shared income and resources. You and your mate or partner are putting your thoughts together and trying to use your experience and good judgment in regards to new investments that are being presented to you. Lessons that you learned in the past and had hit you emotionally in regards to your shared income are helping you right now to make the right decision. Many obstacles are coming your way from your area of work and you need to work them out with cooperation and fairness.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of marriage and partnerships and things related to it. There is a lot of emotional input coming from a past experience that you have gotten through together. You are going through some unexpected obstacles related to your personal income as there are many changes for you in this area. Opportunity to reap some reward from your joint resources and outside investments exist but it is hard for you to comprehend all details. You need to be aware off all the angles especially those which are unclear to you. Be aware and alert on all this.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Changes at your work area are coming to you in a very slow process connected to friends of acquaintances and this is causing you some agitation, but emotionally you feel confident as you have proved yourself in the past. You are learning in a good way how to go about doing your investments in a wiser manner and you are using your experience and what you had learned well. There are times that you have some doubts about your feelings of self-worth and this is causing you to worry. This could work toward your advantage so you will not sit upon your laurels.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
There are some issues that are worrying you in connection to the changes that you have with your emotional feelings toward your goals in life but at the same time you know that you have been doing the right thing. There are many things in your life that you are questioning in a very private way and you will need to resolve them within yourself communicating at your home base in an intelligent and responsible way and this will be very beneficial and useful as you will find some encouragement. Your work load seems to have increased and you are showing enthusiasm at your chance to expand your knowledge.

For August 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
There could be many opportunities to get into a new investment or speculation and you will be putting a lot of your thoughts into this. A friend could give you some input on this matter to make you aware of some obstacles that this new investment could bring to you. This will turn out to be lucky for you as it will make you aware of many limitations that are involved. This doesn’t look to be the right time to get into anything new especially if you do not know exactly what you are getting into. There is a hidden lesson in all this for you and you could use this to your advantage for the future.

Taurus(April 21-May 21)
The area of your home base is spotlighted for you this month. Many of you could be changing residence or perhaps you had done it already. There are many interchanges of ideas at your home concerning changes that are happening in a very rapid fashion concerning your goals and there is a lot of tension weighing in between what you had done in the past and what the future is offering you right now. A loved one could be offering lots of emotional support to you on this matter. There is a promise of a more stable way to supply your personal resources. Your dreams could be at your reach in order to fulfill your hopes and wishes concerning the way you make your income.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Communication is the key word for you this month and this comes in double dosage as yours is the natural sign that rules communication. There could be an overabundance of interchanges in many ways like phone, letter, e-mail, faxes, etc.; every means of communication could be involved. There could be many obstacles and differences of opinion concerning your work place and this could give you lots of tension. This should be approached in a very conservative manner and snap decisions should be avoided. Knowing your limitations on this matter will help you to put all your energy in the right direction and this will help you to bring you closer to your goals and rebound into a very sweet monetary gain for you.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Matters concerning your personal income and values are in the forefront this month for you. News concerning an investment or speculation could reach you and this will bring some obstacles for you that need to be handled in a constructive manner as this could very well affect your outside and shared resources. There are many fast changes that are coming from your shared resources area that could bring you some difficulties. There are many differences of opinion and they have to be handled with lots of awareness. Being conservative and using prudence will be very helpful.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
You could be finding yourself this month confronting some issues related to your future goals and your relationship with your mate or partner. There is a lot of tension also related to your home, these are personal issues that life is bringing you and will have to be tackled in a personal way. You have the ability to do this in an effective way. You will have personal emotional adjustments with your income and values and luck will be riding with you on this. Someone could give you some good experienced advice with your joint money matters that could help you to have a good look at what is to be of must value in your life.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
This month will bring you a lot of private moments in which you will try to put into practice all what you had learned in relation to marriage and partnerships. There is much gain that you could get from this in connection with friends. Experience and learning will help you to put you on top of what you wish for in your life. Unexpected cooperation from your work place will be extremely lucky for you but tension will make you assess your values and beliefs in a constructive way. You should be aware of differences of opinion in the work place and you will be able to negotiate this without difficulty.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
You could find yourself this month in the middle of some tension related to friends, some from your past and some from your present, this is all connected to your area of personal and joint resources. You must watch out for opportunities for a trip or vacation that might be too good to be true, as unexpected circumstances could be surrounding this. As far as investments and speculations, there is much that could come to you in an unexpected, sudden manner and you should look deep into things before you leap to put your money on them. Someone with more experience should be able to advise you in a very positive and fortunate way.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your career and goals in life are in the limelight for you this month. There are some issues that are bringing you some tension as differences of opinion with your mate or partner exist in connection to future plans. Many changes and adjustments could be happening at your home place. You will find that making new adjustments in your personal home life will not be as hard as you believe them to be as you are learning to work with your joint resources with practicality and have learned how to set limits with your expenses. You will be mentally very aware of all this.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Taking a far away trip is very much on your mind as desire to do so is great but there are many circumstances surrounding you that are bringing obstacles to what you wish for right now. Unexpected news could come your way in connection with future plans related to your work. Many adjustments will have to be made and you will be bringing your own good luck. There is much activity at your home place and your mate or partner is giving a helping hand in all this and giving you good counsel and advice to get things done correctly.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
There is a lot of activity this month in your area of joint and outside resources. There could be some obstacles related to investments or speculations that could cause you some tension. Follow your gut feeling on this and you shall have good results. Find all the information that you can related to this and learn from someone with good experience who is connected to your work. You have the ability to make a good judgment and you should use it there. Differences of opinion with your mate or partner could cause you to look at your relationship in a different light and this is involving your personal values.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of marriage and partnerships. You are putting a lot of thoughts in your relationships as sometimes you have the feeling of being tied down by circumstances and you could have the desire of breaking away. There could be some tension involving your home life and plans for the future. There is a need to negotiate to work things out. Responsibilities attached to children could put a break on this matter. There is a need to learn how to handle your personal income as this is all tied together.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
There is a lot to be gained at your work place and learning to channel your energies toward whatever your work field is could be rewarding. New ideas could be used toward your advantage. Your future goals are going through slow changes and this could give you some worries but being that you are adaptable you should be able to go with the flow and let things happen. You could use your excess of energy this month in getting things done at your home base that have not been so easy to do till now, but you will be finding cooperation to get things done.

For September 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
You will have many interchanges of ideas related to your work area and you will express things that concern you and give you much agitation in this area. There is a hidden lesson surrounding all this and you will gain monetarily with this in the future if this lesson is learned well. You are going through a period of many restrictions and extra responsibilities at your home base and there are many adjustments that are required here that will bring you more emotional stability concerning your outside income. You are giving yourself unnecessary tension in things that you do not fully comprehend.

Taurus(April 21-May 21)
There are many possibilities to get into a new investment or speculation and this is present in your mind right now. There are some obstacles surrounding this as it appears to be working in a very slow pace. There are some surprising circumstances surrounding this that could come from someone well informed and knowledgeable in the matter. You will be feeling many doubts and uncertainties. If you act with prudence all will be well and your decision will be on target. Follow your instincts and you will not be wrong. Your mate or partner could give you some reassurance in making a decision.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
The area of your home will be in the spotlight for you this month. There could be many tasks related to beautification and comfort matters but there are many uncertainties in this and it could cause you some agitation. You need to be informed before you commit yourself to any decision which is hard for you to do as you have the tendency to do things in haste but if you take your time this will be beneficial and lucky for your future as money matters are also involved and prudence should be used.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Communication will be the key word for you this month. News of a very pleasant nature from loved ones and dear friends could reach you. You are having many thoughts concerning money matters involving your shared resources that are very vague for you to comprehend. Information from a loved one, perhaps a sibling, could be helpful on this matter. You could be facing many limitations and restrictions right now and you could use all the help you can get. Past experience with some investments could cause you some worries and a lot of emotional tension. Follow what you had learned from this experience and do not be afraid of making the same mistake again.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Matters concerning your personal income and values are on the agenda for you this month. Your future seems to be looking very rosy right now as many opportunities are presented to you. You are having many doubts concerning your relationship with your mate or partner and this is causing you lots of agitation and lots of uncertainty. There is a very important lesson hidden in here for you. You also will be learning from your limitations even if you do not wish to see them.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
This month starts for you with a very personal note about a positive outcome for the future. Your thoughts will be involved in trying to reach this in spite of minor friction connected to some limitations concerning a friend. You do not have a clear understanding of some issues at your work place and there is a hidden lesson connected to this friend. Your intuition will help you to understand this situation that is bringing quite a bit of tension in your work area. All this is coming from a past experience that is causing you some worries and concerns.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
You will spend this month going through private moments that you could be spending in solitude as you analyze what is surrounding you in your life right now and you will be feeling quite content with the future of your outside financial prospects. There is much that you are learning concerning children and responsibilities that are out there for you involving your personal income and values. An experience that you had in the past connected to your personal finances is giving you some agitation. Matters concerning children are present in your chart this month and there could be a lot of fireworks in the making.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Very pleasant activities with friends are on the agenda for you this month. Your thoughts will be involved in future social activities. You are feeling emotionally confident with matters surrounding your personal income in spite of some worries that you have concerning a past experience as you look at the future with more knowledge and confidence. There is much activity at your home base as you are trying to handle many unexpected changes there but you will be facing these difficulties with optimism.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Financial reward could be coming your way through your mate or partner and this will mean more comfort and security for you. This will be something that will touch you emotionally. Your health seems to be on the upswing right now and you should be feeling fit and healthy and if anything is ailing you, you could be looking forward to an improvement. You are changing in the way you communicate and you could become more outspoken and aggressive when you relate to others. You will be speaking your mind when you feel like it. This could work against you as sometimes you could be jumping to say something before you understand the scope of it and there could be a harsh learning experience for you. You should try to restrain this impulse to speak before you think.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Future undertakings with children have a very happy tone for you this month and this is one of the things that will be on your mind. Preoccupation concerning expenses that are hard for you to figure out could give you some agitation. Your mate or partner could give you a lesson or two in handling this situation in a very positive manner and using a constructive way. A friend that has special abilities could also lend you a hand in how to handle this situation. After the middle of the month, things at home will be going more smoothly and lines of communication with your mate or partner will be open and very harmonious. There will be much help coming your way from this area.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Your area of outside income and resources is in the spotlight for you this month. You will be giving lots of positive thoughts to this area and the impact that this is giving to your future. There are many issues that are concerning you that you do not understand and are hard for you to comprehend. A good advisor could teach you something and guide you in any points that you do not see clearly. Tendency to do things in haste is present and you need to be aware of this inclination as this could backfire toward your best interest. Differences of opinion with your mate or partner could make you be aware of a different angle that perhaps you have not been able to see.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of marriage and partnerships. There is much harmony surrounding this area and many interchanges of ideas for future plans that are present in your mind and are giving you some vague concerns. You need to learn with the punches that life brings you and not to be overly concerned. Extra responsibilities with children could be present but you will be handling this emotionally in a positive way. Unexpected happenings could bring you some difficulties at your work place and you will have to negotiate to get anywhere. After the middle of the month you could reach a positive outcome through a more analytical approach.

For October 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
The area of marriage and partnerships is in the spotlight for you this month. There are very favorable circumstances connected with friends to this area. There could be a connection of this with your personal resources and it could cause you agitation. A learning experience of an emotional nature could be here for you that will make you think about protecting your job and future earnings and this will be very lucky for you in spite of all your worries and concerns. Restrictions and responsibilities at your home base could cause you agitation. You will have to handle this with your mate or partner in a constructive manner.

Taurus(April 21-May 21)
There are some positive circumstances surrounding your work place as you seem to be content with the things the way they are, but some of the things that surround you could be of a very vague nature as you seem to wish to see them in one way and you do not get a view of the whole scope. In spite of all this, it could work positively for you. You could be receiving favorable news in connection to income from an investment or speculation, but this still will need some adjustments. There are many questions that should be asked and more adjustments will be necessary.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You could have a great desire to take a pleasure trip or vacation, but this will be only in the dreaming and wishing stages right now. Your mate or partner will be giving you much encouragement toward making this a reality as emotional need for a break is needed. This could also give you a chance to think about future plans and what you have learned in the past in connection to your mate or partner relationship. The restrictions that you had for the past year or so with your personal income are causing you some agitation but you will be able to make some constructive adjustments right now.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You could be spending a lot of your time this month at your favorite place which is your home and you will be feeling content with your surroundings as you look at what it is of real value in your life. You could be dreaming about how to invest some of your shared resources in beautifying your surroundings and you could have good results if you act quickly and take advantage of unexpected opportunity. Some news concerning your work place could cause you some tension but there is an opportunity for learning something useful towards your future.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
You could have many interchanges of ideas with your mate or partner in a very harmonious way concerning how you could merge your differences in a positive way as your future together is bringing you lots of agitation. You are getting new ideas and also communication about how to increase your personal resources in the future. You have many personal limitations that you are keeping to yourself and this could cause you tension and put some obstacles in what you really wish to do concerning your relationship with your mate or partner. You have a lot to gain by keeping your lines of communication open.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your personal resources and values are in the spotlight for you this month. There are certain happenings at your work place of very positive nature but they are causing you a certain amount of uncertainty. There is much activity happening there and much creativity seems to be working at the same time. There is a friend that could cause you some worries connected to your work area. Your mate or partner will give you much emotional encouragement and constructive ideas concerning future plans connected to a far away place or a possible short trip.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Things concerning investments or speculations could be heated for you as rapid changes in this area are happening right now. You will have to follow your intuition on this matter as confusion prevails in this area and this could cause you agitation concerning your limitations with your career and goals. Your emotions are getting in the way that you communicate and could cause you some confusion in the matter of your shared resources and outside sources of income. You will have to make many emotional adjustments in this area.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You will have this month many private moments in which you will realize what is of value in your life and what is not. Harmony and luck is prevailing at your home base and much illusion is attached to this. Meanwhile changes are still happening there and much activity is being put toward this area. You will be sorting out your values and learning how to make adjustments toward the future with your mate or partner. You are still working diligently to fulfill your goals in life and there has been much growth for you in this area. Interchange of ideas with a friend or close relative could be helpful to you in a matter connected to your shared resources as this seems to be causing you some worries.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Matters concerning friends are in the spotlight for you this month. You could be receiving some communication of a pleasant nature but details might be unclear to you and could affect your shared resources and put some limitations on this area and also give you some agitation. You could turn all this toward your advantage if you act quickly. Your future at work seems to be full of good news and you will have many interchanges of ideas that could affect your future in a very advantageous way. Your emotions could be in the way and give you some unnecessary obstacles.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your career and goals in life are in the spotlight for you this month. This is all connected to your area of personal income and values and you seem to be able to merge and adapt this area with what you really wish to reach with your goals. This could cause you agitation connected to future investments or speculations. You need to be open minded and learn from what is surrounding you and use this tension that this is causing you in a useful way. You might develop some monetary gain in an unexpected way. Much encouragement will come from a friend from your past.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Desire to take a far away trip is great for you this month but there are some obstacles connected to your responsibilities at work and this could cause you some agitation and the desire to break away and act in haste. There is much illusion connected to all this. Issues for the future at your home front are very harmonious right now but at the same time you are doing some emotional learning connected to all this. Your thoughts are involved this month with shared income issues and opportunities that an experience from the past is giving you.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Issues connected to your outside and shared resources are on the agenda for you this month. Things that you have been dreaming of to increase your shared income could come to a lucky reality right now in spite of many set backs that you had with your investments or speculations. Lines of communication with your mate or partner are wide open and of a very favorable nature in spite of some worries connected to your outside resources. Your future is bringing you all kinds of emotional lessons connected to your career and goals and the slow changes that you see in this area.

For November 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your area of shared and outside resources is in the spotlight for you this month. There is much luck connected to your home and friends and this area. There is much activity in your area of friends and charity dealings and this could make you act more prudently with your shared resources as there are many issues at home that have to be taken care of before you use these funds in any other way, especially in entertainment with friends or acquaintances. You probably will be very busy in your work place as different things could be coming your way that you did not expect.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Very constructive, serious communication and interchange of ideas with your mate or partner should take place this month for you. Much would be discussed concerning plans for your goals and changes that you have to make in order to reach them. You have some hidden talent that could be coming to the surface and help you in reaching your highest dreams. You could experience some agitation concerning all this, but good fortune is on your side. The way you had done things in the past is changing for the better.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your work area is in the limelight for you right now and much luck and cooperation will be coming your way. You could be compensated for work well done as your efforts could be recognized. Do not let any pessimistic outlook take over as it is going to be hard for you to really believe that good things could be happening to you in this area. Changes that you have made in the past and are still being felt had caused you tension but you could be handling all this in a very constructive manner.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
There are many possibilities that you could enter into an investment or speculation that could bring you some rewards as you will be using your experience to make a good judgment in this matter. You will have to do fast thinking and get into this quickly and this could cause you agitation and some worries and concerns as doing things this fast is not to your liking. A trip to a short distance connected to your work could be also on the agenda for you and this could give you the opportunity and facilitate you to understand what you are getting involved with right now.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
The area of your home is in the spotlight for you this month. You will be putting a lot of your thoughts and understanding at what is surrounding you here and you will be starting to feel more harmony in spite of some limitation that is causing you agitation. There is much activity in your area of marriage and partnerships and sudden changes could occur here that will be lucky for you as you and your mate or partner will establish some mutual cooperation. Issues in this area are very vague to you as you are finding many obstacles that could give you tension.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
You could be receiving much favorable news connected to changes in your work place. An old friend or acquaintance with lots of experience is part of this picture. You could have some inspiration that will give you ideas to use your talents and abilities in this area. An experience from the past could give you tension here but you could sort out all the obstacles that you will encounter in a constructive and favorable way. This is a year of luck for you if you recognize it when you see it. Your good judgment will help you.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
This could be a month in which you will put a lot of thought into your personal resources as some very lucky opportunities are presented to you in a sudden manner. This could cause you some tension as you will be weighing the experience that you have in the past against this new opportunity. At the present time you see your goals in life very restricted and this could cause you some worries. Use what you know in an effective way and you will be able to sort things out. You could receive some private communication that could facilitate you to look at these opportunities in an intelligent manner.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You will find lots of cooperation at your home base as much activity will be happening there and this will be present on your mind this month. There will be much luck and harmony in whatever activity you will be involved there. Many changes could be happening there and this will all be for the better. There are some obstacles related to your future that could affect you emotionally if you let them. Trying to rationalize this situation will be very helpful. Meanwhile you should remember that your abilities will always come to your aid and your personal income could change in a very favorable way.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
This month you could have very private communication with a sibling or close relative that could bring you much luck in spite of some tension that you are going through related to limitations that you encounter with your shared resources. Putting things in the proper perspective will give you a glance of what is of real value for you in all this. You are going through slow changes in your life that are giving you some tension but all the changes will be very favorable for you and will put you in a better situation in the future.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Affairs and dealings with friends will be very much in your mind this month. There are some obstacles related to this and your personal resources but everything is surrounded with remarkable lucky circumstances. Your desire to look your best and show your better side will be strong in spite of some limitations that you have connected to your mate or partner. Many expenses could be anticipated this month and watch yourself because impulse to buy without thinking will be great. Your emotions could be in the way and you will not be able to assess the situation in a clear light.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
This could be a month full of activities connected to your responsibilities in the work place and some reward and recognition might be coming your way. You could have some doubts about your feelings of self worth but you should not judge yourself lightly. Your past experiences could bring some of these feelings to the surface. There will be many thoughts in your mind connected to your goals and many of you will be very close to reaching them. There could be some tension in your area of shared and outside resources, but there is a promise here of good success.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
There is a strong possibility of taking a far away trip of a short duration connected to an investment or a speculation that you feel is limiting you in many ways. There is much activity occurring under wraps and you need to be aware of all details and not to let yourself run away with your feelings and act too hastily as this can cause you much agitation. Your area of marriage and partnerships is surrounded with much encouragement and cooperation in spite of some differences of opinion that you have with your mate or partner.

For December 2003

Aries (March 21-April 20)
A possibility of taking a trip connected to your work could be present for you this month. There are some negotiations that have to take place and this will be done in a very slow manner and it will not happen as quickly as you will desire, as impatience is one of your traits. This could help you to increase your personal income and expand your resources. You will be feeling some agitation as you worry that this could interfere with your personal comfort and you will be giving this a lot of thought. All this should work to your advantage in spite of many unclear issues. This could turn out to be a very good opportunity.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
The spotlight for you this month is on the area of shared and outside resources and income. There is an opportunity to enter into a new investment or speculation and this is giving you a lot of emotional tension and has made you look at many things as obstacles that you have to work out. Cooperation from your mate or partner will give you some moral support with this and much encouragement. There is much learning and preparation that you will have to give to this in order to bring it together.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You could be discussing many issues with your mate or partner this month and this will be done with care and understanding in spite of many differences of opinion that you have. Through your initiative, many of these issues could be resolved. Your work area seems to be full of favorable circumstances that are a product of your past performance. There are some issues connected to your future that are causing you some agitation as things do not appear to be coming together the way you want them to be. There are many restrictions with your personal resources and you have to learn how to handle them.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
The area of work is in the spotlight for you this month. There will be many interchanges of ideas of a pleasant nature in spite of some worries and concerns that you have in this area, as slow moving changes continue to surround it. Through communication, you would be able to reconcile differences in some issues and at the same time learn with your mistakes. An old investment could be bringing some desired results and you will be putting much activity into this and it will reflect into future endeavors. This could be an opportunity knocking at your door.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
A short pleasure trip could be on the agenda for you this month. You will have to try to reconcile this trip with some money issues that could present an obstacle to you. There is also an opportunity for a new investment or speculation and you will have to try to work it out with your personal and shared resources. Help and encouragement could come from your home base that could help you out on this. There is a good chance for you to increase your personal income and this will be helpful towards your future goals. Your area of relationships is bringing you many lessons but you do not see the scope of this clearly.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
The spotlight for you this month is at your home base where you will be spending much of your time sharing your thoughts and understanding with your mate or partner as you work out your differences in a constructive manner. Lines of communication are open and cooperation will be present. Social activities could increase but they probably will take place at your own home. You will be getting new ideas and opportunities that will help you to improve your future endeavors. This is bringing you a very slow learning experience that will change your outlook in life.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Communication is the key word for you this month. You will have many interchanges of ideas concerning your shared and outside resources and this is bringing you some agitation as you feel that you are learning in a very hard and slow way how to handle these resources. You have some inner strength that many times will be telling you what direction to take on this matter. Work that you have performed well in the past could be recognized and could bring you much activity at you work place.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your personal resources and income are in the spotlight for you this month. You could be having very pleasant thoughts connected to this area but these thoughts are accompanied with some worries and concerns as you will like to see things coming together sooner that they are working out for you. There are some negotiations that will have to take place related to an investment or speculation that is being rushed to you or perhaps you wish to jump into it. Some caution should be used as your tendency will be to leap before your look at things over which are very unusual for you.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
This month your thoughts will be very involved with issues concerning your work place as there are some happenings that could cause you worries about the position that you are in now as you feel your comfort zone might be jeopardized. There are some very propitious opportunities for a future career promotion in spite of all your worries. There are and will be many things that you are learning and experiencing in this process. Your home place seems to be full of activity connected to a possible future change at work. There are many issues that have to be reconciled and negotiated before anything can be done.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
This is a month for you in which you will spend many private moments giving a lot of your thoughts at issues concerning some future investments or speculations that are giving you some agitation. There is much learning for you through all this and very favorable happenings could be coming your way from someone from a far away place. The possibility of taking a pleasure trip is very strong and you will receive some encouraging news that could make this trip possible for you. There are some obstacles involved in all this and this could give you tension. An opportunity could be presented to you to buy an item that you have been wanting and this will come to you in a surprising manner.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
There might be many activities with friends this month for you and these things are very much in your mind. You might act on impulse in some of them as friends could be influential in these decisions. This could cause you some money wise tension as this could become an obstacle to your activities as more than should be spent might be required. Someone at home could slow you down and this could work very favorably for you in the long run.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Career, promotion and financial reward could be on the agenda for you this month. Your mate or partner could be the source of some differences of opinion that could touch you emotionally and make you fly of the handle very easily but much thought should be given before you say something that you might regret. Differences should be looked at in a constructive and practical manner as cooperation could be established, there could be some restrictions connected to an investment or speculation that is very unclear to you as things might not come out the way you wish them for.

For January 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your career and goals in life are on the agenda for you this month. There is much harmony between your feelings and your desire to reach what you had set your goals to be and you are much aware of this. You might be busy this month with issues concerning friends, some could be of an unexpected nature and this will give you some unclear feelings as this could present some obstacles with your shared resources. You could turn this situation to your advantage if you make some adjustments with your personal income.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
This month you will be involved with changes in your way of thinking and beliefs and the way you feel about them. There is some tension coming from a friend that could interfere with the way you are handling all this. Changes that are happening in your area of shared and outside resources are giving you some emotional agitation. You are not seeing your goals at the present time in a true light as you could be changing them more than once. After the 15th of the month more harmony and luck should prevail with the changes in your outside resources.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your joint financial interest is in the forefront for you this month and there could be some connection with activities with friends and charitable organizations. There are difficulties reconciling both your areas of money, your personal and your shared, as there are many limits that you have set for yourself at this time as you are using prudence on this area. This is bringing some obstacles to your goals and ambitions and this needs to be handled as constructively as possible.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Dealings with your mate or partner are present for you this month. You seem to be seeing eye to eye in some issues of an emotional nature that are connected to your mutual goals and aspirations. There are some worries connected to your area of work and this seems to be very much on your mind as there are many radical changes occurring in this area. There are some obstacles for you with your shared resources and this is causing you some tension due to the fact that you wish to see these circumstances with rose colored glasses and you do not see the reality of things.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
A matter concerning your outside resources is causing you some tension and this will be diminished by a stroke of good luck at your work place. An involvement with an investment or speculation could be part of this picture and this is causing you lots of agitation in spite of the lucky break that you are getting. A good opportunity to increase your future earnings is very probable for you and some gains could come through the influence of your mate or partner. Learning and taking in all this experience could bring much activity with your outside income.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
There is a strong possibility this month for some monetary gain through an investment or speculation and this is causing you much agitation as your thoughts are very involved in all this as you try to figure out how to handle this in a constructive practical way that will be beneficial toward your future. There is much riding with this right now. Changes at your work place are still happening and you might be having some new ideas that you can apply to improve on this area. There are some good learning experiences for you with your area of marriage and partnerships and future monetary gains could come your way through this learning.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your home and family are on the forefront for you this month. There are some emotional issues that you have with your mate or partner that can be settled in a very favorable and lucky way. Children could be the cause of some tension in connection to your shared resources and this will have to be negotiated in a fair manner. Extra work could also be the cause of some tension at your home. This will have to be dealt with in a constructive and practical way. You are trying to find ways to increase your outside resources for your future comfort and there could be a hidden lucky opportunity. Look and you will find.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Communication is the key word for you this month and you could receive favorable news concerning your work area. This could be very lucky for you in spite of your feelings of agitation about your personal income as you see some obstacles in the horizon. Remember these obstacles come together with an opportunity for the future. There is a prospect to increase your outside resources but this will come together with hard work, responsibility and using much prudence. This is connected to an investment or speculation that will be keeping you very busy for a while and it will be necessary to do negotiations to reach an agreeable result. This could work to your advantage.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your personal income and possessions are on the forefront this month for you. At the beginning of this month you could receive some income from an investment about which you have been worried for some time. Your mate or partner will be giving you much support on this matter. You could encounter some obstacles connected to some activity, perhaps doing some fixing at your home place and you might not see eye to eye with your mate or partner on this issue. This should be dealt in a practical constructive way.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Harmony will be prevailing at your home base in spite of some worries that are caused by slow changes in the way that you think concerning your surroundings at home. Your area of personal possessions is very active as things are changing continually in this area. Some gain will come your way from an opportunity for an investment connected to a far away place. News related to your work place could cause you some tension as negotiations in this area are necessary. Your private thoughts will be very involved in matters concerning planning for a future possible trip.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
This month you will be inclined to spend many private moments trying to resolve some emotional issues connected to a loved one. A friend could give you advice that might cause you some unnecessary agitation as harmony could be agreed upon concerning future matters. Your area of shared and outside resources is continuing to present many opportunities for future improvements at your home base. You are going through a period of personal change that is almost over for you. A learning experience connected to your mate or partner is also on the agenda for you and this will open the area of communication in a very positive way.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Activities with friends are in the spotlight for you this month. Emotional issues connected to friends are causing you agitation that has been building up for some time. Use your head and do not allow yourself to build up this situation out of proportion. This should be handled in a constructive way. You will be feeling full of energy but this could cause you to go in circles instead of going and resolving the situation in a practical manner. You could receive a source of inspiration that will be advantageous for you in your relationship with your mate or partner.

For February 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
There is much that you can accomplish this month related to your career and where the future is taking you with it. You are applying all your thoughts in many matters connected to your work and income that you get from it. There is a great possibility of receiving much better income and you might be getting that lucky break that you always wanted. You are learning to communicate in a more subdued way and to control your natural desire to fly off the handle when provoked. If you are learning your life lessons well you will get rewarded handsomely.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your area of career and standing in the community is in the spotlight this month for you. There are some monetary gains that you have been waiting to get and this is of a very illusory nature. You have been learning many lessons related to your personal income and this has brought changes on yourself for the better. You could be dealing with a prospect of an investment that is in the planning stages and it could hold very promising results for the future. Some gain could come your way from this. A matter concerning your joint financial interest could cause you some tension. This is a minor obstacle that should be dealt with in a constructive way.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
This month you could be involved in trying to bring some understanding with your past experience in your work area and how to get rid of the tension that you have related to your future undertakings in this area. There is much understanding and enthusiasm given to you at your home base and communication concerning your outside and shared resources should bring very lucky results. You are going through a period of changes in yourself and the way you approach your life as you feel a lot of restlessness. All these changes are extremely favorable for you as they are making you be a better person.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of joint financial interest. There is much that is kept behind the scenes and you could be feeling a sense of uncertainty. You might be involved in some kind of speculation that is giving you much tension. Negotiations on this matter should take place as the whole thing is not very clear to you. Your lines of communication with your mate of partner are wide open and very useful interchange of ideas could come from this that will be extremely beneficial toward your future undertakings. You are keeping your emotions bottled up and this could give you more obstacles than are necessary.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
The area of marriage and partnerships and dealings that have to do with your mate or partner is in the spotlight for you this month. If you let your feelings guide you, you could deal with this situation in a very favorable way. Desire of making changes in your relationships is great but you will be using some restrain on this matter as you have learned that being patient is the best way. You could receive some communication at your workplace that could bring you very lucky favorable changes with your future position and an increase in your income. You might feel some tension with the handling of your shared resources as obstacles exist on this area.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your work area is very prominent for you this month. There are many changes that continue to happen and many are due to your hard work and perseverance. Many new ideas could come your way that will be very lucky for you. There are many lucky breaks that could come your way through an investment or speculation and you will be receiving communication concerning this and there will be many exchanges of ideas. All this will be working toward your advantage in future undertakings. Differences of ideas with your mate or partner could surface and bring you some tension. This could be worked out to your advantage and make you look at every angle to make better decisions.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Desire to take a far away trip is great and you could be dreaming of this for a while. You could be feeling the impulse to act quickly on this but some set backs could be present. Lines of communication at your home base are wide open and many things concerning your future and past experiences could be discussed privately. You could develop much insight from this. You will learn to appreciate what is of value at your work and income that it brought to you in the past. You could have many activities of a social nature that could keep you quite busy.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your home base will be the center of activity for you this month. There are many changes that are happening in this area of your life that are very favorable for you and this is all connected to the way that you had learned to handle your joint financial interest. A loved one could be looking after your best interest in matters related to outside resources and the way they were handled in the past. There are some differences of opinion on this that need to be faced and handled in a constructive and practical manner.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
You could be receiving some news concerning future dealings at your work place that could bring some obstacles that need to be worked out. This might very well be related to future undertakings that are being looked at in a favorable light for you. Negotiations about money matters could be discussed also. A promotion could be hidden in all this. Perhaps a new opportunity is in the making for you. Some disagreement with your mate or partner could surface at your home base and there is a need to reconcile differences of opinion in a friendly way. The way things had worked in the past seems to be comfortable and it is difficult to look at changes.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
This month you might encounter some changes related to your personal income as some restrictions could be coming from the work area. This could be much unexpected but could show you that your experience and hard work could be rewarded in the long run. You will be trying to communicate in a pleasant manner as you try to negotiate a more rewarding outcome for you. Your thoughts could be involved with an opportunity for an investment or speculation from a far away place and this could be very lucky for you.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Matters concerning loved ones will be on the agenda for you this month and harmony should prevail in spite of some unrealistic expectations that you might have concerning your future home matters. Your thoughts will be very involved in matters concerning your shared and outside resources and you could find a very easy way to find a satisfactory outcome. There is much luck connected to this. There is some tension in regards to adjustments between your future and your past as you are encountering many changes with your personal possessions and you could find some of these changes hard to do.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
This month you might be able to have those private moments that you yearn for as you need this in order to recoup from all the hassle in your life. You will find this at your own home base but you will have to make some adjustments related to work matters as slow changes are happening there that might require some of your attention. You will be able to communicate your ideas in an effective and very lucky way and you will find lots of cooperation from every possible way. You could be spending more than you anticipated as impulse to buy without thinking could be surrounding you, but you might find that whatever you got on impulse was a very useful thing to have.

For March 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
You could be spending some private behind the scenes times this month concerning some difficulties at your work place and you will be putting much thought into this as you will be communicating them in a very harmonious and cooperative way. This could rebound in a favorable monetary way for you in spite of many illusory ideas that you have. Some negotiation will have to take place in order to reach an agreement and much cooperation will be necessary. You will be putting a very attractive and likable front and your special talents will be taken into consideration.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your area of friends and activities associated with them is spotlighted for you this month. There are many social activities connected to your friends and there could be some minor difficulties that could keep you away from them. Cooperation from your mate or partner could facilitate to you some of these social activities. Your thoughts could be running too fast and you will have the tendency to make decisions too quickly. You will be able to use some prudence in all this. You have the tendency right now to see glamour in all these social activities. Remember they are of an illusory nature and it will not have any meaning concerning any of your goals even if you are seeing them in that manner.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You could be receiving news from a far away place that could bring some difficulties at your home base and this will be of an unexpected nature. There might be many questions and adjustments that this could bring into your life but it will be hard for you to see the whole scope of things right now and this could also bring some tension connected to your work endeavors. You will be giving all the cooperation that you need to handle this situation and you will be aware of the limits that it is imposing on you. You will be getting much encouragement from your home base and also from your work place.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You will be receiving much news in reference to your shared resources as unexpected happenings are occurring in this area that could bring you some monetary independence. Watch for unclear expectations as some adjustments could accompany this situation. Right now you could be feeling that you are going through a period that could bring you what you wish to reach in life for the future and you will be putting most of your energy on this area. This could cause you much tension as you could be feeling some confusion at this time.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of outside and shared resources. This could bring you some difficulties with your personal income. Talks with your mate or partner could take place in a rapid fashion. Personal feelings and restraint will be very helpful and favorable for you. Experiences from which you had learned in the past have taught you some cooperation and you will be using this in a very favorable way. There is a very good chance that this will bring you some monetary gains.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Dealings with your mate or partner are prominent in your life this month. There is much activity connected to a far away place and this area that have to do with future undertakings. There are some obstacles that your work area could give you in reference to all this as a difference of opinion could arise and this will make you aware of different angles that are vague for you to understand. Your area of shared and outside resources is very lucky right now and this is due to your hard work which is taking you to reach what you wish for in life.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your work area is in the limelight for you this month as there is much tension happening on this section of your life. There are some difficulties that you need to be aware of as this could cause you obstacles with your outside income and resources. An opportunity to increase your outside resources could be offered to you behind closed doors and this could very well be in a different location and might require of you to make a move eventually. This will come from someone that knows you from the past. There are many questions that will be on your mind and much confusion accompanying this situation as you might have to make a fast decision on this matter.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Activities of social nature could be on the agenda for you this month that could bring you some difficulties as these activities might require a fast decision from you and they could be coming to you in multiple opportunities that could conflict with each other and make you at times very confused. Your shared resources should be available for you but you will be using some restraint in this area. There are some issues at home that need to be worked out with your mate or partner and this could cause you some tension.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your home and activities there are especially prominent for you this month. You could be taking home some of your extra load from work and this could present an opportunity for your advancement at your work place as you could be using your special knowledge and talent in a very eloquent way as new innovative ideas could come to your mind. Your thoughts could be running ahead of yourself and this could give you some confusion. Your mate or partner could help you to use some restraint and give you encouragement toward reaching your goals as the opportunity is knocking at your door right now.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Communication is the key word for you this month especially from far away places. Differences of opinion could arise from these interchanges. This is connected to your desire to change your personal sources of income and you feel impatient and wish that things should move faster than they are. There are many questions and adjustments that you will have to go through in order to learn how to do this through a future source of investment or speculation. A good opportunity could be presented to you in this area but you might not see it when it comes.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
You could encounter this month some difficulties connected to your personal outside and shared resources. There are some personal adjustments that you have to do in this area as many things seem to be of a very vague nature for you. This lack of understanding could bring you some tension related to dealings in the past. Your mind is running at a very fast pace as you are trying to use your special talents in an effective way related to a future investment or speculation. There is some personal confusion in this area as things are happening in a very fast pace. This could have a very fortunate outcome for you and your mate or partner.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
You could have some differences of opinion in the way of thinking with your mate or partner but you will handle these differences in a friendly way as you try to communicate your different ideas especially concerning matters at your home base and the restrictions that you are self-imposing there. Cooperation should prevail on this. Desire to purchase some luxury items for your home is great as you feel that things are going quite slow until now on this situation. There is some impatience building as you would like to do things a little quicker than are happening.

For April 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
This is a month in which you will be trying to project many of your thoughts toward your way of thinking and your philosophical outlook in life and reviewing the way that this part of your life has been slowly changing for the better. Your area of personal income and possessions is quite active as you are trying to sort out ways to invest into some opportunity dealings that are presented to you. There are many factors that will have to be looked at as there could be some disagreement or differences that have to be ironed out before you do anything.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
You will be having many private moments during which you will be reviewing your home life plus your area of shared resources. All these areas are extremely favorable and lucky for you right now. There are many adjustments that you have done in order to reach a well deserved harmony in these areas. The restriction and limitations that you are starting to feel in your personal money sector will eventually be working in your favor as rapid changes will happen in this area. This could make your special talents come to the surface and become a source of income for you.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
The area of friends is in the forefront for you this month. There could be a short trip that could give you a lot of joy and this could somehow turn out to be very lucky for you. This could help you to bring some reorientation with your area of work as there seems to be some tension in this area. This is a time that you could be facing life in a more mature way as many of your ways of thinking are rapidly changing for your benefit. There is much activity connected to a loved one and this could happen behind closed doors. This is causing you some tension as many issues are unclear to you. You can clear the air communicating in a fair and sensible manner.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
This month you will find yourself putting lots of emphasis on your goals and the position that you hope to reach in life. There is much reorientation and questioning to do about your past investments and what profit you had gained through them. There is some encouragement that will bring you some good opportunities in this area. There is much luck right now connected to your work and as you are giving a lot of your input, people are listening. You are trying to use some restraint connected to rapid changes that are occurring with your outside resources.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
There is a possibility for you to take a far away trip that could bring luck into your future. There is some tension connected to your mate or partner but you are not able to see this in a true light as emotions are in the way. Communicating to a loved one concerning what is on your mind could bring some cooperation as you could be feeling a lot of restlessness concerning all this and where it is taking you in your life. There is a build up of emotional tension connected to this. After the 15th of the month you might arrive at a decision as you will be looking at what is best for you.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of shared and outside sources of income. You will be having many interchanges of ideas at your home base and this will be happening in private. This may result in much luck for you as you will come out with better ideas and understanding about what to do with your shared resources. Your work place continues to have many changes and you will be having much cooperation and hard work from others as well as yourself. There could be present some obstacles in this area due to a lack of understanding. Listen to your inner voice and you will get an answer about this.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Dealings with your mate or partner are featured for you this month. There are many favorable adjustments that you could be doing with your personal finances and a friend could be in this picture bringing you a good opportunity for future increase with your outside and shared resources. This financial opportunity could come your way in an unexpected fashion and this could bring some differences of opinion and some tension related to your outside resources. Your mate or partner could give you excellent input. Let him express his feelings about this and the picture will become clearer to you.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You could be receiving very good news at your work place connected to your position and status there and also this could be very favorable monetarily for you. You seem to be learning and growing as you go along in life and things are starting to look very promising for your future together with your mate or partner. There is some tension building up at your home base connected to your future dealings at work that are very unclear to you. You should avoid acting too rashly in anything related to this area as many changes are happening there. Restrain with your shared resources will be helpful and it will be wise to follow up on this.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
You could be receiving some news in reference to an investment and you feel that this could bring favorable changes for you. You need to follow your gut feeling on this and listen to your inner voice as your intuition is highlighted right now. A far away trip connected to your work could be on the horizon for you. Get all your information straight before you embark on this trip as there are some obstacles that need to be resolved. You will establish much communication with your mate or partner that will be very helpful in clearing many facts for you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your home base is in the limelight for you this month. You could be making many plans concerning the use of some of your shared resources in order to bring more harmony and comfort into your home. Past experience has taught you how to handle your surroundings in a more effective and encouraging way. You have been confronted with some challenges with your personal possessions that had brought some confusion into this area, as many rapid changes continue to happen here. The need to be patient concerning your work area is necessary and this will aid you in facing the changes and challenges in a more mature way.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Communication is the key word for you this month. You could be receiving favorable and lucky news concerning your mate or partner. This could be of an emotional nature that will bring many changes in your area of friends and acquaintances. This will bring many adjustments into your life that will make you grow. A new love interest could come into your life in a much unexpected manner and bring some stability into your life. There is much activity at your home base this month that could give you some tension as you are trying to sort out what is of value for you in life.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your area of personal possessions and income is in the spotlight for you this month. You seem to be giving much thought in this area of your life and the favorable things that are surrounding you from your work place. There is much promise for an advancement to help you reach your goals and expectations in life. Communication needs to be established that will help you to reach more understanding and clarity at your work area. All this is surrounded by very favorable circumstances. You will have many questions involving your personal income that will have to be answered at your area of work.

For May 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your area of personal income and values is highlighted for you this month. There is a very good prospect for an investment or speculation that might be very lucky for you. Communication concerning this will be encouraging in spite of many questions that come to your mind as some adjustments will be necessary together with your mate or partner. Show what you know and this will come across in an extremely helpful way. For some of you who are aiming toward a higher education this could be a lucky time for you but be aware of differences of opinion and respect the other's point of view.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Issues connected to your home are on the upbeat for you this month and some of you could be changing residence. This could mean more responsibility in managing your personal finances, but at the same time it could be very positive work-wise. This could cause you some agitation and worries as you could be going through many expenses related to all this, but remember these happenings could also be of a pleasant nature. You could feel some emotional tension together with a loved one connected to what we mentioned before, as there are many concerns about the future. There also could be very positive unexpected changes at your work area that could change your goal in life.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You could be spending some time this month using private moments to communicate your feelings to a loved one and discussing the limits that you have in your life right now. Desire to act in a rash manner and break away from personal limitations could be the lucky break that you had been wishing for. There is much insecurity that you have on this area of your life and many obstacles that prevent you from doing what your heart desires. Your emotions are very involved with doubts and worries and all this is causing you some tension. Using some reasoning could help you to resolve this and make the changes that you desire.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Activities with friends are on the agenda for you this month. There will be much luck and cooperation from friends related to some personal restrictions that are starting to weigh heavily on you. You are handling this situation effectively so far but your emotions could give you tension and cause you to come across agitated and worried about your joint finances. There are many things that are very unclear to you. There are some fortunate changes concerning all money matters that could come in a very surprising manner and bring help to your home.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your career, promotion and financial reward are on the spotlight for you this month. You are trying to look at your future but there are many issues that are still unclear for you. There is a love interest that is giving you lots to think about as you seem to have good feelings concerning this and luck seems to be riding with you. An old friend seems to be communicating with you concerning your mate or partner and changes that you are going through with the sector of marriage and partnerships. There seems to be much cooperation here as there is much harmony present.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
You could be in the process of planning a trip to a far away place and this is a trip that might not become real after all as you could resolve anything through other means instead of moving your body some place else. This is all concerning a matter at work that is presenting some obstacles that are surrounded by much uncertainty as things are not perfectly clear at the present time. On the other hand there continue to be many changes from your work area that are extremely lucky for you right now and could bring you some rewards from hard work that you had performed in the past. Reward is indeed coming your way.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Issues concerning your joint finances are on the limelight for you this month. A friend could bring a lucky break for you on this area that will mean a lot for your future. There are some bottled-up emotions concerning children or a loved one that are very vague for you and do not let you think clearly on this situation. Unexpected developments in reference to an investment could bring you some cooperation from a far away place as there is someone looking on your behalf on all this. Communication on this issue has to be opened as there are some differences of opinion that have to be ironed out.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is on the spotlight for you this month. There are favorable circumstances surrounding this area and your goals in life as things that you had planned seem to be going smoothly. There is some tension at your home base related to this as many doubts seem to surround you. You need to clarify all your self doubts and analyze where you have been and where you are going. You are going through many changes deep inside you that will be beneficial with your shared resources and the way you have handled them in the past.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
There are many things related to your work place that are prominent for you this month. There is communication coming from this area that can cause much confusion as you are receiving different views on a matter that you will have to deal with in a constructive manner and this could bring some obstacles to you. Your mate or partner might come out with a good idea that could clarify things and show you how to handle this situation to your advantage.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
A very good chance for an investment or speculation could come your way but there is a need to clarify the value of this. An unexpected development coming from a past experience could be very lucky for you monetarily and this is coming from your work area together with some added recognition. There will be many interchanges of ideas occurring behind closed doors that will give you a lot of encouragement concerning the work you do. You have many worries and concerns with your personal finances but these are unfounded.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
You could be spending a great part of your time this month at your home taking care of things related to it. Your future with your mate or partner is smiling at you with many promises of success. Children could be part of this picture. You are feeling some tension connected to your shared and outside resources that are mainly of an emotional nature. You have many doubts on this area and they do not let you see things in a true light. Remember all the big changes that your life had been going through for the past eight years as everything is coming together right now for you.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
This month you will have to use much restraint in the way you communicate at your home base as there could be some minor frictions related to your personal income. Your thoughts will be very involved on the area of personal income and possessions, and analyzing all the beneficial changes that had been coming to your life very slowly, as they have brought you to the place that you wish to be. Brace yourself for all the beneficial changes that could occur this month in connection with your shared resources. This is a reward for work well done in the past with your home responsibilities.

For June 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your area of communication is in the spotlight for you this month. You could be getting news concerning a matter of an illusory nature surrounded by a lot of glamour but this could bring you some obstacles concerning your past relationship with your mate or partner. Communication between the two of you needs some adjustments. Your home area seems to be full of activity concerning your shared resources and at the same time you seem to be using some restraint in dealing with friends in an unusual situation. Your sense of duty toward your mate or partner could also be highlighted.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your personal money matters are on the agenda for you this month. You could have the tendency to buy luxury or beautification items in which you see a lot of glamour and glitter as your sense of restraint is being challenged by impulse buying and this could bring you a harsh learning experience when you awaken from this dream world. You could be contemplating the idea of moving from your place or residence but the chances are becoming slimmer as time goes by. Of course you could still do it as you are the master of your own destiny. We all can always use our free will.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
This month you will be feeling a tendency to wish to make changes in the way you look and there is much dreaming and illusion connected to this. There is much desire also to get fast results with whatever you desire to do and you want this as quickly as possible as you will be feeling more impatience than usual and consequently this could cause you some tension. Your area of personal income could serve you well on this but you will be using wise decisions on this matter. Spending your hard earned money will bring you a learning experience and teach you that appearances are deceiving.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You will find yourself this month dealing with your personal limitations and trying to find a solution to them. You could get some new ideas that could bring to you some sources of income from your shared resources. You could make some rapid changes with the personal limitations that you have been going through with your outside resources. There could be some impulse to speak more than is necessary but this could be beneficial in the long run for your future standing. Talks with friends concerning your work experience should take place and this will pinpoint your mistakes and the way you have learned from them.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
You could be having special contacts with friends that will bring you numerous social activities. You will try to use some restraint concerning this as you are having some personal doubts that are making you change for the better. This is bringing you some obstacles with your social activities as you have the desire to be swept away in all the glitter and fun that you can get. Lessons that you had in the past will make you try to communicate the tension that all this is giving you as you do not wish to repeat your past mistakes.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Career promotion and financial reward are in the spotlight for you this month. There are some circumstances at work surrounded by an aura of glamour that are very favorable for your advancement and you will be looking your very best. Communication concerning this could come across in a very informative way and teach you a thing or two. There might be some sudden changes at your work place related to an old friend or acquaintance that have the promise of being beneficial to you in spite of this friend coming across in a very forceful manner.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
You could have some dealings connected to a distant place related to your desire to take a trip and there is much illusion attached to this. You feel right now like shaking away from all your limitations and you will have the tendency to make decisions in a quick manner, but reality could set in and all will be left in a planning stage. It is very hard for you to realize all the scope of your limitations and responsibilities. You are learning as you go along in life. Experiences that you have in the past are causing you many limitations but you still do not wish to see this in a true light.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Matters related to your shared resources could be a priority at your home base. You and your mate or partner could come to a favorable agreement as new innovative ideas seem to be developing here for you. You could be discussing matters related to your personal income and what you had learned in the past and are learning right now. You could become aware of all the mistakes that you have done as you try not to repeat the same ones again. Your career advancement is following a favorable path and you are trying to apply all your special talent in following what you truly believe and wish for yourself in life.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is in the spotlight for you this month. There is much harmony in this sector of your life right now. You will be contemplating many plans and dreams and communicating them to your mate or partner. There is some unexpected news concerning your shared resources that should be very favorable for you both and this comes due to the perseverance and prudence that you have used in handling these resources. Watch out on making any snap decisions concerning your shared resources as everything is not the way it is portrayed to you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
You will receive much satisfaction from your work place as some new ideas to increase your personal resources will be presented to you. A fast decision concerning this and your mate or partner will have to be made and you will have much cooperation; at the same time it will help you to use some restraint and caution in all this. There is a hidden lesson inside of this and you will have to learn quickly in order to have good results in the long run. A short pleasure trip could be on the agenda for you but some adjustments will have to be made before you take it.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
There is a lot on the agenda for you concerning social and entertainment activities. A lot of glamour will be surrounding all this. There could be some tension between you and your mate or partner and you will have to communicate with each other in a harmonious way as the future could be discussed with much benefit for both of you. You seem to be extra busy at your work place as there are some things related to your future in your career that look very promising. There are many questions that you have concerning your responsibilities and you are learning as you go along with them.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your home base is surrounded this month with a lot of harmony in spite of your feelings of tension in regards to changes that you would like to make. There is much that the future holds with opportunities for a better income. You seem to see obstacles where there are none. Responsibilities concerning children are keeping you quite busy as you make personal adjustments. All this is making you change for the better as you are doing a lot of personal growth. You could be receiving news concerning your career and status and they will be accompanied by many questions so you can have some reorientation in what do you wish to accomplish in life.

For July 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
You will be trying to put most of your energy this month toward issues at your home base as responsibilities in this area seem to be piling up on you. You will have to make many fast adjustments as circumstances of an unexpected nature could be surrounding you. You could be feeling a lot of uncertainty concerning these issues. Some adjustments and learning will connect this to your work area. You could be agitated mentally and emotionally about all this. A friend could bring much relief to you in all this and it could turn out to be a very lucky break for you. Your future at work seems to be smiling at you with some good opportunities. You will need to negotiate the income that you will be receiving.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Communication is the key word for you this month. You could have some interchange of ideas concerning your past performance at your work place and this is being looked at in a favorable way. You will have some worries concerning your outside resources of income as there are many slow changes occurring in this area of your life. Your emotions could play a great part on this. You could turn these circumstances to your advantage if you look at them with a clear head. Your responsibilities and what you are expected to do in order to reach your goals in life are being spelled out to you in a vague and veiled way. You could be promised something that will not happen. Look at new opportunities with an open mind.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your area of personal income and values is in the spotlight for you this month. Investments that you have done in the past could come to an unexpected fruition and bring you a lucky break. You will be looking at this with prudence and in a responsible manner as you will wish to protect your personal interest. Interchanges concerning this matter with your mate or partner could bring you some agitation and bring some minor friction between the two of you. Your feelings of self worth are being challenged at your home base. You will need to deal with this in a constructive manner and learn with the punches that life brings to you.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
There are many new responsibilities that are coming your way concerning your shared and outside resources. As you try to learn and comprehend this situation there are many doubts that you are feeling in trying to deal with this. Some unexpected developments could be present that will be of great help to you as you will find much luck and also cooperation on this matter. There is also a friend that will be willing to help you but this is more talk than anything else. A trip to a short distance place could be the key to an opportunity for your personal advancement.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
There are some issues that you are trying to resolve behind closed doors concerning your mate or partner as you are looking at issues related to your future and all the obstacles that you see. This can cause you some agitation while you try to establish some communication to settle your differences. This could be very useful for you both as luck is riding with you right now on this matter. Your feelings of self worth are coming to the forefront and this will help you to take advantage of new opportunities that are coming your way that could help you to increase your personal income.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your area of friends and activities connected to them is in the limelight for you this month. There are some unexpected connections that can come your way through friends that could be extremely beneficial at your work place and bring you monetary gains from some work that you had done in the past. There are many fortunate circumstances connected to your areas of income, your personal ones and your shared ones. Your dealings with your friends and acquaintances could bring you some agitation at your home place as you are trying to put your best foot forward and use your special talent in dealing with the circumstances that are being dealt to you.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Career, promotion and financial reward are in the spotlight for you this month. If you have been doing what is correct in this area you will be rewarded. There is a possibility of reaping some benefit, in an unexpected manner, from an investment or speculation. You also will like to see some closure connected to a relationship but you will find some lucky cooperation that will help you to see the situation in a better light. Your sense of duty and responsibility is involved with this. You will be presenting some new ideas that you have connected to your career but these ideas seem to be somehow scattered and you might come across agitated.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You will be feeling like breaking away from your home surroundings and taking a far away trip but this will present many obstacles for you before you could make this a reality. Friends are involved in this and illusion is surrounding it. You could learn many harsh lessons if you do not take your time as you are not seeing this clearly. Your mate or partner could be of help in this situation and guidance will be on target. Your work area is under favorable influences and friends could bring some improvement for you here.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
This month you will have much activity connected to your outside money area. There are some very good opportunities that will facilitate some advancement in your career. Communication is very important right now on this matter as things are being portrayed under a veiled light for you. Take your time and analyze every angle as harsh lessons could be hidden for you under this. Tendency to fly off the handle should be curtailed as this could bring you new things that could be useful in your future undertakings.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
The area of marriage and partnerships is in the spotlight for you this month. There is much tension between you and your mate or partner and the solution to any conflict will be found within yourself as you need to make some personal adjustments with your personal values. You might be feeling that your relationship is bringing many limitations and you have to learn the lesson that this is bringing to this sector of your life. You will find much harmony and luck connected to changes in your personal finances and your mate or partner will be in this picture helping you to use your past experience in order to reach your goals in life.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Communication from your work sector will be flying in all directions as a heavy load seems to be befalling you. This is causing you some tension. This could bring you many positive personal changes that will be very lucky for you, perhaps connected to your highest ideals in life. There are some lessons connected to your outside resources that will be very positive for you. This will be accompanied with a good opportunity connected to your work. You are going through a lot of interior changes that will work for you for the better and you will be feeling this right now this month. There are some ideas that you are having that are bringing you many restrictions and set backs at work but these are mainly of an illusory nature as they are not real.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your area of investments and speculations is on the forefront this month. You will be putting a lot of your energy toward improving your sources of income, personal and shared ones. This is bringing you some obstacles as you weigh what you have done in the past in these sectors of your life against what you wish to do for your future. You might get some ideas of an innovative nature that could help you to increase your shared and outside resources. You will be learning real quickly and will be using this knowledge in a profitable way.

For August 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
There is a strong possibility that you might undertake a pleasure trip and you are trying to put some of your energy toward it as this is involving a very slow process in order for you to be able to achieve it. This trip will be of a short duration and very lucky for you as very harmonious circumstances seem to be surrounding it. You are experiencing some challenges connected to your at home responsibilities as you are going through a restricted period in this area of your life. Take this as a good experience as you are learning something that could turn around to be very positive for you.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
You may likely encounter this month a household full of activities as perhaps some improvements in your surroundings are in the planning stages. Your shared finances seem to be favorable right now in helping to provide for these improvements. This could also point towards changing your place of residence to better surroundings. You are having many private worries and concerns about this but you probably have things very well planned. Changes at your work place could bring to you unexpected reward. You need to be patient in the way you communicate in dealings connected to your shared resources and there is the need to learn from what it is surrounding you.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Communication is the key word for you this month as news concerning friends and acquaintances will be reaching you. This news will be of a very harmonious nature in spite of some tension that this could cause you as differences of opinion could arise. Interchanges with your mate or partner could be flying back and forth and this will be extremely favorable and lucky for both of you as you could clear some worries that you have concerning a friend that could affect you both. This month you will have a great desire to look your best physically and in the way you come across to others and you will come out in a very charming and articulate way just the way you would like it.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Money matters are on your mind this month and your future seems to be full of promises as luck seems to be riding with you. You are feeling some agitation in connection with your work place and this is unnecessary as very harmonious circumstances seem to be surrounding you there also. You could be rewarded but there are still many lessons for you to learn with this experience. A short trip to a far away place could also be on the agenda for you and this could turn to be to your advantage in many ways particularly with your area of work. This will contribute to your feelings of self-worth and contentment that you will keep to yourself.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your area of love affairs and matters concerning loved ones will present lots of activity for you as the slow changes that you had in this area are coming to the forefront in a very favorable way right now. You are trying to use your head and reason everything concerning your future in a very positive way. There are some obstacles in this area and this can cause you some tension. You might have a good opportunity to meet someone in an unexpected manner but your past experience is giving you some agitation in connection to one other relationship that you had in your life. Trying to repeat the same type of relationship that you had before will not work out this time as well as before.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
This month you will be concerned with some ideas that you are getting surrounding your future outside resources and income that you get from these resources. You will find much cooperation from your home base and this could help you with some exaggerated tensions that are building upon you unnecessarily. There is much learning that you can receive from a much experienced person that could lend his or her knowledge and cooperation to you in order to increase your outside resources. This could bring you some agitation at your work place but there will be much cooperation there for you.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your area of friends and acquaintances is in the spotlight for you this month. There is much activity there and some of these activities are surrounded with a coat of glamour that might not be there if you look at them deeper. You have a great desire to take a far away trip for pure pleasure and this could be very possible this time as your mind is getting set into looking at future social activities. This could cause you some tension and there is a need to deal with this in a constructive manner and not to let this hold you back.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your area of career is highlighted for you this month. You will be sorting out all your past experiences connected to your goals and the new approaches that you have toward your future in this area. You are finding that luck is surrounding you at your work place and helping you to achieve the success that you desire. There is much tension while you try to sort things out. You will be finding much cooperation from your home base and this will help you with your shared resources in an extremely positive way. Many of your personal beliefs are being challenged concerning your personal values and what you believe to be the correct thing to do.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
A far away trip of a short duration could be on the agenda for you this month. There is much input of your energy aimed toward this as you would like very much to have a change of pace. There are some difficulties that you may encounter connected to this and you will have to make some adjustments. You are going through a period of restrictions with your outside and shared resources and there is much that you have to learn from this as this could cause you to come across when you communicate in a very agitated way. Think of all the right things that you have done in the past and you will be able to handle it in a successful way.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
You will have to make many adjustments concerning your outside and shared sources of income. You need to look at the way you handled them in the past and the way you are doing it right now and in the future. Your mind will be clear and you will know the right thing to do. The independence that you have shown in the past has been the right course to take. You are having much insight into what is the right direction to take for your own benefit. An older individual could set some limits and tell you what to do with your personal income. This could cause you some agitation but hidden inside this is a beneficial lesson for you.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
The area of marriage and partnerships is in the forefront for you this month. There is much activity in this area connected with many positive changes that you have gone through in your relationships. You are communicating openly in regards to many lucky circumstances for your future endeavors together. For a detached person like you, you could be showing lots of emotion and love toward a loved one. You have some worries connected to all these changes but this is really unnecessary as the outcome seems to be very positive for you. Some challenges could come your way related to your work that could rattle you a little, but you will be learning well from all this.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
There should be much activity at your work place as things to do could be coming out of the woodwork. You will be using your energy in a positive way as you will be getting lots of cooperation from coworkers. There are some obstacles related to your line of work that you have experienced in the past and you are learning how to handle them well now. There are some interior changes that you are going through that are changing you for the better as you are trying to work with your past experiences in a profitable way in handling your outside and shared resources.

For September 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your area of work is prominent for you this month. There is much activity here as things to do seem to be overabundant. You could be learning something new that could have a lot of meaning for your future even if you do not see it clearly right now. This will be very fortunate for you later on. A short trip could also be on the agenda for you this month but this seems to be causing you some worries and it is connected to all new developments at your work place. You are giving yourself some limitations with your feelings of self-worth forgetting that there is much that you can offer.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
You could be having some opportunities for an investment or speculation with the promise to increase your outside and shared sources of income. There are many obstacles connected to this area, you need to ask many questions as deception could be involved in this. There could be some hidden luck connected to this and it is causing you much mental anxiety. There are many things that need to be clarified before you leap to a decision as you could be rushed into it. You need to give to this a lot of thought in the privacy of your own home.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You will be experiencing much activity at your home base with help from friends that could be of great help to you in an extremely fortunate and favorable way. They have something to teach you that could be very useful for you in your future endeavors. You would be having some agitation concerning your mate or partner. The lines of communication are open in a very harmonious way. Your area of personal income is showing some restraint on your part as you are not able to get everything that you desire, but you have talent to work things out. Your way of thinking and beliefs could be changing in a dramatic and fast way.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You could receive some news connected to your area of work as obstacles caused by differences of opinion exist in this area. You need to use some restraint as you could say more than is necessary. This could turn out to be an experience that will be very lucky for you in the long run in spite of many worries that it is causing you connected to your personal income. Your shared and outside resources will come to your aid in a very surprising manner. If you act too hastily you might miss this altogether. There are many responsibilities that have come your way and you have been undertaking them graciously.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your area of personal possessions and values is in the spotlight for you this month. You could have the tendency to get things for pure pleasure that are unnecessary, and this could cause you some tension. You are giving a lot of thought to your future and where it is taking you. This is surrounded with very lucky and favorable circumstances in spite of your worries. A love interest could be part of this picture and you will get much cooperation from him or her. Communication with your mate or partner will be open as you wish to discuss money matters that are of concern to you.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
This month could find you putting much of your energy towards your area of shared and outside resources. There are many fortunate circumstances surrounding this area of your life in spite of some mental anxiety that you might feel together with worries at your home front. You will be guarding these feelings in a private way. There are many new things that are coming to you at your work place and this could bring to the surface something that you have done in the past and it could also bring to you some personal monetary benefits.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
This month you will have ambivalent feelings between spending some time by yourself and at the same time you will wish to have more of a social life. A social opportunity could come through at a much unexpected meeting with someone and this could make you worry unnecessarily as things could work very smoothly for you. Life is bringing you some lessons related to your love life that are not very clear for you yet as there are many changes happening for you in this area. Your personal income might be related to this as a tendency to wish to overspend could bring to you some obstacles which you might regret later.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Your area of friends, acquaintances, civil and charitable activities is in the spotlight for you this month. You could come across many contacts through this area that could benefit you at your work place. There are many worries and concerns that are going through your mind related to your goals and where you are going at your work place. There are many adjustments that are called for there. You might be having some anxiety in connection to your personal income, but there could be some unexpected encouragement from your home base that will be very helpful to you.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Career, promotion and financial reward are in the limelight for you this month. You could reach some of your dreamed goals through an investment or speculation as luck seems to be with you at this time. You could have some mental anxiety concerning this and a short trip could be necessary in order to complete it. You should be asking many questions as many adjustments will be required by this situation. You could receive unexpected news concerning your future that will be under very lucky circumstances.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
You could be going through many changes in the way you approach life and all that is surrounding you. This can cause you some interior tension that you will have to look at like only obstacles for you in order to grow as a good human being. There are many lessons that are reflected toward your home base and this will help you to learn values as changes are very promising in this area of your personal life. You are giving lots of thoughts to your shared and outside resources and this is causing you some concerns. As the month progresses, you will find some relief in this area that will be very advantageous for the future.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Your area of outside and shared resources is in the spotlight for you this month. There is a great deal of activity in this area and communication could be coming and going back and forth here. You need to have some reorientation, stop and avoid acting in unnecessary haste. Someone could be talking to you concerning an opportunity to use your resources but everything is not as clear as it should be. Fast action could be taken by you but it doesn’t mean necessarily that it will be in error as there is some luck surrounding these dealings. Using your intuition might be helpful for you in this situation.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
There is much activity this month connected to your area of marriage and partnerships. There is some tension in this area due to some very slow changes that life has brought you concerning what you wish for in life. Your special abilities could help you in dealing with an investment or speculation and you seem to be holding back as you are using much caution in dealing with it. You could be getting some innovative ideas that could come to your aid in changing the way you deal with your shared resources. You are giving lots of thought to your work as you can be worrying about future income.

For October 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
You might encounter this month a friend from your past and this could happen in a very unexpected and surprising manner. It will be surrounded by very pleasant circumstances. You could be involved in a social activity that could bring some talks in connection to your line of work and it could bring some lucky results for you. Making fast decisions will require some serious adjustments on your part. Your special qualifications and abilities are playing a big role in all this. Preoccupation concerning your personal income will be very much on your mind.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your work area is showing some unexpected changes that will be favorable for you. This will be like a follow up of good work done in the past. You will be looking at this with mixed emotions. Some doubts and some illusory ideas are involved with your future career. Your joint financial interest is causing you worries as you are concerned about future outcome. You are having much backing coming from your home and this will help you to be more aware of what is really surrounding you right now. There is a great deal of a chance to receive some gain from all this.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You might be planning a short trip to a far away place and this is surrounded by lots of glamour. There are many surprising circumstances surrounding this. You seem to be putting some emotional obstacles into this but it will pass. There is much activity at your home base right now and there are many adjustments that have to be made there. There are many questions that need to be asked about your future as some reorientation is needed. You are trying to shake up all the restrictions that you have been going through with your personal income.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
The spotlight for you this month is at your home base. You will be getting lots of cooperation from family and there is some unexpected lucky break with your joint finances as result of some difference of opinion that you had in the past and you had learned to work out. You have learned from personal restricted experiences and you are using this in a positive and gainful way. Communication concerning your future career is taking place as there is more than one opportunity for you in this sector of your life. You need some reorientation before you make a decision as you seem to be agitated concerning this and your present job.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Communication is the key word for you this month, lots of it is taking place between you and your mate or partner. Your relationship seems to be changing in a sudden and positive way. There is much dreaming and illusion connected to your life together. You will be trying to reason your personal financial affairs with your mate or partner as there are many adjustments that will have to be made in the future. This is causing you many worries and concerns. Deep inside, you seem to be feeling good about yourself and what the future is bringing you as you are trying to use some restraint while you see your future unfolding.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your area of personal finances and values is in the spotlight for you this month. There are many positive innovative circumstances surrounding your area of work and you will be having a very unique learning experience connected to your future joint financial resources. This will be surrounded by very positive circumstances. The special abilities and talent that you share with an old friend will bring much gain to you. The second part of the month might bring you some obstacles concerning your personal and joint finances due to difference of opinion. Awareness of these differences will bring some mutual cooperation on this.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Someone could be bringing to your attention a new investment or speculation and this could look to you very glamorous on the surface. This could bring many sudden changes in the way you had handled your shared resources in the past. This could be very lucky and beneficial to you in spite of many worries that it is causing you. There are many lessons that you will be learning from your mate or partner while you plan your future and you are doing this looking at the real value of whatever you will be doing. There is much gain that could come from all this that will affect your aims in life.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You will be putting many of your thoughts toward communicating with your mate or partner concerning fortunate circumstances that are surrounding your area of marriage and partnerships. This will be done in a private way at your home surroundings. It could bring to your life many advantages as you combine yours and your mate’s or partner’s special talents and abilities. You could be experiencing some mental anxiety concerning this in combination with a friend that could be in this picture. There are some adjustments that will have to take place at your area of work related to all this.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your area of friends is very much in the picture this month for you. You could be the recipient of some news that could sound very lucky for you and a friend; but you have to look at the hidden meaning on this. You need to ask many questions but try to think before you speak as misunderstanding could arise. You are feeling some worries and concerns about a loved one and changes that you are going through in your life. There could be a very special communication, which you will feel you have with the object of your affection.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your area of career, promotion, financial reward and standing in the community is in the spotlight for you this month. Your personal money house could receive an unexpected windfall that could change your future in a very favorable way. There is much illusion surrounding this and this could inspire you with some new ideas that you could implement in an effective way in conjunction with your mate or partner. A trip to a far away place of a short duration could also be on the agenda for you. This could bring to you quite an unexpected experience.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Analyzing your highest ideals in life will be in your mind this month and you will be trying to use your special talents in a mature and prudent way at your work place. This could bring to your life many changes that will be to your advantage. You need to ask many questions concerning the way your outside and shared resources are used as there could be the tendency to over spend. Just think that sometimes the need for some glamour is necessary and useful in the long run. Loving communication with a dear one will be established in spite of some differences of opinion.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your area of outside and shared sources of income is in the limelight for you this month. This is due to your desire to break with all patterns and do something that will be more beneficial for you. There are some adjustments that will be necessary to do with your mate or partner and plans to use your personal resources in a way that doesn’t cause you many worries at home. There is much you can do if you put your mind into it. An investment that had done poorly in the past could bring to you unexpected gain.

For November 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
This month you will be trying to dig into some knowledge from an older person at your home base, concerning your joint and outside resources. You could profit from all the information that you might gather. Your area of work is very busy but you seem to like what you are doing in spite of not realizing sometimes what it is all about. You will have to do a quick learning in something that will come up. You could be having a very active social life right now but most of it will be done at your own home.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your area of marriage and partnerships is on the agenda for you this month. There are some positive changes that will occur in this area that will catch you by surprise. Your area of work seems to continue on overload. This will work very positively for you as you could develop extra financial gain. You will be having serious and responsible communication with your mate or partner that could bring you some material gain. Your love life seems to be going in a fortunate mode but there is some illusion and self delusion as you could maximize the importance of things. You need to ask questions and fast, so you can make the right decision.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You will be seeking for knowledge from your work place as you wish to learn more positive ways on how to handle and improve your personal income. Your intuition is telling you to beware of deceptive influences and your future will require some constructive changes and adjustments. You could get positive input from your home base as some hard lessons will have to be swallowed with a spoonful of sugar. Impulse to do social activities could cause you more expenses than pleasure so be aware as the opportunity to do things that you had done in the past could come your way again.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
You could receive some type of communication related to an investment or speculation that will come and go very quickly, so fast action will be required. Be aware that lots of things could be hidden or written in a very small print. There is some tension on this matter as this could bring changes toward your future. It will help you to grow and learn. All the personal restrictions that you had for the last two years seem to be easing up and a loved one is backing you up with many good ideas.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
You will be spending a lot of your time this month at your home and you will be thinking about all the experiences that you have that have helped you achieve a more balanced life at home. There are many fast pace changes in your area of marriage and partnerships of a very positive and fortunate nature consequently your outlook toward the future seems to be encouraging and full of opportunities. There are some adjustments that you are doing with your personal finances and they will work to your advantage.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
You will have many interchanges of ideas in a very fast and surprising pace at your work place as personal money matters seem to play a key role toward your future. There are many opportunities involving this area and your sector of shared resources. Your special and exceptional talents could bring much gain to you and they will play a big role on this matter. Your life continues to be full of opportunities and you seem to be feeling good about yourself and whatever you desire to accomplish.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your area of personal income, possessions and values is in the spotlight for you this month. You are giving a lot of thought to your future and what it is getting you into. If you have been doing the correct thing you will be handsomely rewarded, if not you might have harsh times ahead of you for a while. Remember these are only cycles that we live through and they will pass. This is causing you some tension as you are trying very hard to hold on to your past. The answer is to look toward the future ahead which will be full of opportunities that will be there for the taking if you are alert enough.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You might be giving yourself this month a mental review of all the things that you have learned through your higher education and pursuit of knowledge. There are very favorable changes happening at your home front that are beneficial with your joint finances. You will be putting lots of your energy in a private way towards improving this area. A friend could bring you some obstacles in this area but you could be over-inflating its importance. This is due to lack of mutual understanding. The merging of knowledge could be very beneficial for you both.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
This month your life should be full of very private moments that you could be sharing with a sibling, close relative or neighbor. You could be getting some tips on how to be more independent, but in a positive way. Your future, as you see it, seems to be pointing in a very rosy and optimistic color. There are some adjustments that you will have to make as reorientation is needed. There will be many activities of a social nature with friends. Some of these activities could cause you some tension concerning what you really wish for in life.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your area of friends and charitable organizations is in the spotlight for you this month. You seem to be giving much thought to this area of your life, at the same time you are having many restrictions concerning your social activities with your mate or partner. There is much activity connected to your career as your work area is surrounded by harmonious circumstances. A far away trip could be still on the agenda for you and there is a lot of glamour surrounding this money wise. There should also be some obstacles connected to a friend that will have to be ironed out.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Your area of career is in the forefront for you this month. You might have lots of communication surrounding your area of work and the responsibilities that you are encountering in this area. You will be getting very positive input connected to your abilities to increase your and your mate's or partner’s outside resources. You could be experiencing fast changes connected to a loved one and this is helping you to change your outlook in life. You could come across many ideas that will help you to bring better sources of income from your joint finances.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
A quick trip to a far away place could come to you as a big surprise. This is surrounded with positive circumstances and is coming to you as a well deserved reward. Your social activities could increase and bring you glamour that you seem to yearn for. You will have to make some adjustments concerning these activities and a snap decision will be required on some occasion. You could be using some of your joint finances in bringing some comfort to your home surroundings, this could cause some tension between you and your mate or partner that will have to be discussed in a sensible manner.

For December 2004

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Thoughts about a short trip to a far away place could be coming to your mind that could be related to a learning experience. This could be to your advantage in spite of some obstacles caused by your mate or partner concerning your past experience. This could cause you fast changes on your marriage or partnership area. A good chance to develop some monetary gains from your outside resources could come into the picture. This could help you to grow up and at the same time will cause you some doubts and tension. Overall this could turn out to be very fortunate for you.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Your area of outside and joint financial interest is in the spotlight for you this month. Your thoughts are involved with plans for how to improve your future undertakings. You are keeping all these thoughts to yourself while you make your plans. You are having very vague feelings connected to your mate or partner as differences in this area exist that have to be worked out. You could find many answers at your work place as very favorable opportunities are happening in this area. Some of these opportunities seem very glamorous to you and your mate or partner seem to have a different point of view on this matter. This is the time that you need to stop, reflect and listen.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You will be getting much encouragement from your mate or partner concerning an opportunity for an investment or speculation that will be coming to you from a far away place in a very unexpected manner. You will have many doubts in connection to this as you need to clarify many angles before you do anything. This could cause you some tension at your work place as much activity seems to be surrounding this area. You have been holding back with your personal resources as you had learned how to cope with difficult times. Just remember and trust your special abilities as they will help you in the long run.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
The area of work is prominent for you this month. You are putting a lot of your thoughts into how to use your abilities at what you do best to take advantage of an opportunity that is presented to you to invest in a new venture. There are things that you have done in the past that have given you enough experience to make a good judgment. Follow your gut feeling with this as this could bring to you unexpected changes with your outside financial resources. You have been learning about your personal limitations and you will be working any obstacles that could face you in your way to reach your personal goals and ambitions.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
A pleasure trip with your mate or partner could be on the agenda for you this month. If this happens it will be of a short duration to a far off place. Children are also highlighted for you this month and your way of thinking is focused toward a harmonious future. If children are in your life there are some emotional issues that you need to come to terms with and do some adjustments in you life. Your area of marriage and partnerships is going through a lot of rapid changes and you are finding much cooperation from your mate or partner as you communicate to him or her your wishes and desires for the future.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your area of home is in the spotlight for you this month. Your thoughts could be involved with the way that you seem to be reaching your fondest desires in life as you continue wishing to reach them. There is much expansion in this area as you continue learning and making adjustments. There is much gain coming your way from many changes that are occurring at your work area. You are learning how to merge your work toward getting a well deserved increase in personal income. Your special talents and abilities will be working with you to get what you wish for. There are many new ideas that will continue to come your way.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
You could be having lots of communication concerning your goals in life and all you have learned on your way to reach what you wish for. You could be rewarded with unexpected results from an investment that will bring to your life some gain and comfort. There are some emotional adjustments that will be necessary as the way you did things in the past seems to be changing and this is causing you some tension. Your special abilities will come to the surface in helping you with this and you could come out in a very inspiring successful way. You are having a great desire to buy something that you consider a luxury item and this is causing you some uncertainty. There is a great chance that you will go ahead and buy it.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
The spotlight for you this month is on your area of personal values and possessions. There are some very positive slow changes that will bring you some monetary gain in the near future from your work area. You could be communicating with someone older and more experienced, from a far away place that could give you a few pointers in order to increase your personal income. This could be very much to your advantage in the long run. You seem to be extremely busy this month and there could be some tension coming from your home base as there are happenings there that could add up to your busy schedule. All this could be worked out positively as you could come into new ideas while you are behind the scenes that could increase your personal income.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
This month you will find yourself involved with many social activities, and some of these are a repeat of things that you had done in the past. There is much glamour and glitter surrounding some of these activities. You will have to do some snap decisions concerning these activities and this should work out for you in a fortunate manner. There are some emotional lessons that you could be learning concerning your joint finances, which could come to you in an unanticipated manner, and it could bring you some obstacles concerning a future investment, but this will have to be resolved in due time and should be favorable.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
This month will be full with private moments for you as you analyze and question your experiences and responsibilities that you have in the area of marriage and partnerships. There are some emotional issues that you need to reconcile with your mate or partner concerning your goals and all the favorable rapid changes that are happening for you with your personal income to which you are contributing a great deal. New beginnings at home are taking place in a favorable but slow pace in spite of differences of opinion with your mate or partner. You are the one that has the answer to any conflict of interest.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
There are many activities and communication taking place with friends and perhaps some charity organization. Some of this communication could come to your attention in a very slow manner and be of a favorable and pleasant nature. You could encounter some obstacles from your work place that could shake you up a little and catch you by surprise. There is an emotional lesson hidden in here for you as you try to reconcile your different point of view between what you did in the past and what you must change for a better future.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Career, promotion and financial reward are in the spotlight for you this month. Your thoughts will be focusing into this area of your life and there is the need for some adjustments and patience here. There is some tension concerning your personal and your joint financial interest and this has to be reconciled in a constructive manner. A friend could help you on this issue. An investment or speculation could also come your way. You will like very much what you see but guard yourself of self deception.

For January 2005

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Career, promotion and financial reward are in the spotlight for you this month. There are very propitious circumstances surrounding your work area. You could be trying to inspire others at your work place but you could be confronted with some obstacles as other people might not see eye to eye with your ideas. Social activities with your mate or partner could be plentiful and full of glamour and fantasy. New friends could be coming and going in your life at a very rapid pace and cause you some joint financial expenses. This could be the cause of some worries from your partner’s point of view.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
A loved one could be giving some very promising joint financial ideas that are coming to you in a very impractical way. There is the need to look at things in a constructive manner and look into a better opportunity at your work place. This could cause some tension between you and your mate or partner while you try to get some insight from all these new ideas. This could cause you also lots of anxiety between you and your mate or partner. Your future undertakings seem to be changing slowly but in a positive way providing you learn from all this on your way there.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your outside and joint financial resources are in the limelight for you this month. You could be having some communication concerning this with your mate or partner as there is some tension caused by it that has to be dealt with in a constructive manner and looked at according to what is really of value for you both. There is much activity at your work place as tasks seems to be multiplying in an unexpected manner and this could cause you much tension. If you ride with the tides this could become very gainful for your future undertakings.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Communicating your feelings to your mate or partner will be very favorable for you. You could come to terms with some differences that you have and come to a mutual agreement that could be beneficial concerning your joint financial resources. There are many changes happening in your area of shared and outside sources of income that could cause you some worries as the changes could be of a sudden and unexpected nature. You could be very much involved with some of your investments or speculation and there is the need to make some adjustments in this sector of your life.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Your place of work should be a busy place this month. You need to guard yourself from speaking more than it is necessary as this could create tension there. Your love life might be quite busy this month also and you could meet some one from a far away place or perhaps a foreign country. This could be very lucky for you. You have learned some lessons regarding relationships and you could find yourself holding back as you ask yourself many questions. There is much you have gained from this past experience so you will be watching your future choices.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
You could be having some concerns in reference to an investment that you have but at the same time you could have some feelings that in the long run this could work out for you. There are many ideas that you could be working on at your work place that could bring a great source of income to you. Remember one door could close but three might open up, so keep the optimism running. You will be getting much encouragement from a loved one at home and lines of communication will be wide open. The many changes that you are going through at your work place could give you some agitation. Keep your mental juices working at home and you will have much to gain.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
The spotlight for you this month is at your home base. There are some emotional issues that you will be able to sort out in a very lucky way in spite of some tension that you have in communicating with a loved one but you will be able to handle this in a constructive way. Your future life with your mate or partner seems to be changing very slowly, but favorably for both of you. You will have many opportunities to share your feelings in a practical and loving way. Your personal expenses could multiply in an unexpected manner. Guard yourself against impulse entertainment buying.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Communication is the key word for you this month. You will be hearing from a friend that will give you some good news. This is all coming back to you from the past and will represent a good opportunity to work on any issues that you may have with this friend. Any tension that you may have connected to your work place will have to be worked out to assure your future undertaking there, this could bring some favorable results with a lucrative outcome for you. You could be feeling that you are going in a few directions at the same time in connection with your home as unexpected circumstances are surrounding this area together with many changes.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your personal values are very important for you right now and emotionally you could be feeling that you are really where you would like to be in your life. Some of your friends could give you the wrong input concerning this and you should take it with a grain of salt. You could do some reasoning with your friends and this will bring to you some encouragement from them as they see your point of view. Do not let anything become over inflated as this could bring to you much agitation. You have much to gain by playing your own drum.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
You might find yourself this month coming to the aid of someone at your work place and sharing some of the responsibilities that are plentiful there right now. You are putting much illusion into your desire to take a far away trip but there are some restrictions at your money area that are causing you some anxiety together with some restrictions that are coming from your work place. There are some adjustments that have to be done there that will benefit you in the long run. You will be communicating with a loved one in a very private way as some differences of opinion are causing you some emotional tension.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
You will be trying to resolve some private matter concerning children or a loved one who need your help. You will find much cooperation from your joint financial resources that will aid you in resolving any money matters concerning this situation, but watch out for tension that could be building up as differences have to be looked into and worked out in a practical way. A loved one could be bringing into your life some very slow to learn lessons that will be very beneficial for you in the future. You have developed a lot of insight concerning your outside resources and this is causing you some mental anxiety. This could bring into your life many new opportunities.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
A friend could be coming to you asking for aid concerning a money matter that could affect your personal resources. This might cause a build-up of tension at your home place with your mate or partner. Listen to what your partner has to say on this matter as you do not see the situation clearly. Use what you have learned to give to your friend some encouragement as this could cause you much mental anxiety that you will be keeping to yourself. Communicating these anxieties to a loved one will help you to resolve any conflicts that they are causing you.

For February 2005

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your area of friends and social activities is in the spotlight for you this month. Activities of a social nature should be plentiful for you right now. This could very well be dealing with some charity organization, if you are so inclined. Some of these activities could be for a humanitarian cause and this will give you much emotional insight. Your responsibilities at home could be weighing on you and causing you much tension. The need to look at future changes will have to be addressed in a constructive way as this could cause you many worries and concerns that could reflect in all of your other activities.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Career, promotion and financial reward are in the forefront for you this month. Your area of work is surrounded with very propitious and lucky circumstances for you. New opportunities seem to be presented to you and this could bring many changes for you. You need to reconcile your beliefs and look into your personal values in order to make a good decision. The many changes that are happening to your life could be the cause of you feeling some agitation as you try to establish some kind of communication with someone of authority. This is bringing into your life a learning experience that could bring slow changes to your area of shared and outside resources.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You could find yourself this month with the ability to inspire others in an unanticipated manner, especially a loved one. You will be trying to communicate your dreams for the future and showing that you are there when needed. Your thoughts will be involved in your area of outside and shared interest and trying to come across with your feelings of self worth as there is much tension in this sector of your life. There are many money restrictions that you still have and this is one of the causes of much tension and worry concerning your future together with a loved one. You will find much cooperation from your mate or partner in spite of all this.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Your area of outside and shared resources is in the limelight for you this month. You are having lots of cooperation coming from your home front and there are many good opportunities for an increase in your joint resources that will be right at your home base. You will have many worries and concerns as you are still going through a personal restrictive period. You need to reconcile any differences that you may have at home and look at every angle before you plunge into any new enterprise or investment. The need to make some adjustments to satisfy everyone involved is necessary.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Talks between you and your mate or partner could be happening and they could be full of much confusion as you try to sort out your relationship. All this could bring to you very favorable results. You are having many worries and concerns about this area of your life as responsibilities could be weighing on you heavily. You need to sort out all the obstacles that life is bringing you and work toward a constructive outcome as this will be very important for your future. Your work area is coming into play with this as there are many adjustments that need to be made in this area also.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your work area is in the spotlight for you this month. There is much illusion and dreaming about getting more income from your work. There are some unexpected circumstances that could bring this to a reality. You will be giving plenty of your time to thinking about matters at your home base and how to make your surroundings a little more pleasant. You might find someone who will be helping you on this matter in spite of all the tension that this seems to be giving you. All the many obstacles which you seem to be encountering might work out for you on the long run.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
This month you could meet someone unless you already know him or her who could be bringing into your life much glamour and fantasy and this will make you feel that you are on top of the world. Your feelings could be going through many rapid changes and this could bring to you some agitation as you worry about where this relationship is taking you in this life as you have the need for some stability. There is the need to ask many questions and to keep your lines of communication open. There is a very good chance for a favorable outcome for your future together.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
The spotlight this month is at your home base. There are many activities with friends that could take place there which could give you a lot of emotional insight concerning your friends as there are some things that might be upsetting you. You might be trying to inspire others with an altruistic purpose but there is the need to be patient as this could cause you much tension. There is much that you have to learn from all this concerning your personal values as they have been changing in a favorable way for you. Differences of opinion with friends could bring some obstacles for you unless you keep the area of communication open.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Communication is the key word for you this month. You might be having many conversations concerning your desire to fulfill your dreams as they seem to be getting closer in spite of your desire to see things the way you wish them to happen and not the way reality brings them to you. Keep on dreaming because sometimes dreams come true. There are some innovative ideas that you could be receiving with much agitation and worry and these are connected to the lack of outside resources. You need to work on this and work things out in a constructive way as they could also affect your personal resources.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
There is one purpose that you have this month and it is to finally reach your goals for a better life and to be exactly where you wish to be. There is the need to focus on your area of personal resources as there are some things that you do not see too clearly. There are many changes happening here that are coming to your life in a very unexpected but favorable way. These changes could give you a sense of agitation as you like your life at a more predictable and easier pace. Some differences of opinion could arise with your mate or partner and you will be the one to come out with an easy compromise. Talking is very important.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Your dreams about taking a far away trip could come into reality in spite of some unexpected circumstances surrounding it that could cause you some agitation. This could be caused by some obstacles and tension coming from your work place. This could bring to the surface your desire to be more independent instead of depending on the actions of others. You are giving many thoughts to the way you desire to communicate what you wish for at your work area while you try a constructive approach which could bring you some very slow but favorable changes that will be much to your advantage. Reorientation and adjustments are needed at your work area and lots of learning.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
You will spend this month having many private moments and some good ideas could come to you concerning your shared and outside resources and how to go about increasing them. In the matter of speculation and investments you could go through a period of tension as your personal income is very involved with this right now as well as your shared ones. There are many changes in these areas that you are trying to sort out and this is causing you some mental anxiety. Your special abilities could come to the surface and help you to make the proper adjustments. A loved one could bring to you a different point of view on this matter and make some constructive changes.

For March 2005

Aries (March 21-April 20)
You should have some private moments discussing your shared financial resources and this will take place at your home base and you could get very positive results from this and use what you know trying to overcome anything that is holding you back at your home front. Friends could be voicing their opinion and this will cause you nothing but agitation. Making your own decision is your best bet as this could lead to some worries and concerns that your partner could make bigger than they really are. There is much that you need to negotiate with your mate or partner concerning your future undertakings.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
You could be spending this month with many very pleasant social activities with some friends, possibly old ones. You might be reminiscent about old good times. This could be emotionally fulfilling for you. Your friends could be discussing with you the possibility for some joint financial venture and this could bring many obstacles for you in the long run. Money and friendship are bad company. You are having some worries concerning many fast paced changes that have to do with your future at your work place. There are many opportunities there for you in spite of some road blocks that you might encounter.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Career, promotion and financial reward are in the spotlight for you this month. There is a strong possibility that something very positive will come to fruition at your work place and this could be very helpful with your personal resources. You seem to have many of the responsibilities there on your shoulders. You will have a clear mind and you will know what to do with these new resources. There is also a possibility for you to take a pleasure trip and you might put much illusion into this in spite of some worries and concerns related to a loved one.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Your opportunity to inspire a loved one will come to you as you will be using your personal experience to communicate to others and you will present your thoughts in a positive manner. Your work area seems to be surrounded with positive changes for your future. These changes are coming to you very slowly and this seems to be bothering you as you are looking at things as obstacles. This will give you much insight concerning how to increase your shared resources. Acting fast, but using caution is always advisable as this could cause you much anxiety. Slowing down and using your resources wisely may well be the best course of action.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
Matters concerning your joint financial interest are on the forefront for you this month. There is much positive input given to you from your home front in spite of some difference of opinion with your mate or partner. Communication with each other could be established but there is much that has to be clear as there could be some confusion. There are many things happening at your work place that you are aware of and you are keeping to yourself. Communication is very important on this matter as this is causing you much tension. One of the causes of this could be lack of training so it might not be a bad idea to try to improve your skills.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Lines of communication with your mate or partner are open in a very harmonious and mutually cooperative approach in spite of some differences in the way you both think concerning a mutual old friend. This could be involved with your joint financial interest as a lucrative investment could be offered to you. This could also be very well involved with some changes that are happening at your work place and this is causing you some mental anxiety as things are not presented to you as clearly as you would like them to be. Make sure that whatever your knowledge and talents are they should take part in all of this.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your intuition should be on target in matters concerning your work and subjects related to it. You could be having very favorable discussions about your position there as you are showing your experience and what you have learned. You might be getting a much deserved advancement. Your home base could be the cause of much interference that has to do with your advancement, and there is where you have to work at the root of your problems. You could be surprised at the amount of encouragement that you could be getting. A loved one could also give you some cooperation but any decision should come from you as this person seems to be confused and doesn’t know all the facts or does not comprehend them.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
A far away pleasure trip could be much on your mind this month and this perhaps could be to see someone older that you know from before. Communication should be established before you take such a trip as there is some tension built up between your mate or partner and you and also within yourself. This is causing you much mental anxiety. There is the need to weigh what this will mean to your pocket against what you are getting from all this as your future at your work place could be jeopardized.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your future with a loved one seems to be lucky for you at this time in spite of some shared money restrictions. You seem to be finding the way after much thought, toward how to handle them in a favorable and prudent way. There are some obstacles that need to be cleared out concerning your desire to fulfill your dreams of having a better income from your outside resources. You are communicating your worries and concerns in a positive manner and this will open up the way to handle this in a constructive way. There is a strong possibility for you to gain what you wish for. Your special abilities will start to come to the surface and this will be an effective tool for you to get what you want.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Communication is the key word for you this month. You will have the emotional desire to share your personal thoughts with your mate or partner and you will be doing this in a positive way. There are many issues that are causing you much agitation concerning your personal resources as changes in this area could be happening very rapidly. You will be showing that you can use these resources in a very effective and practical way. You will be putting lots of your energy toward reaching your goals in spite of some obstacles that you seem to be encountering. Your mate or partner will be giving you all the emotional encouragement that you crave.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
The area of personal resources and values is in the spotlight for you this month. There are many positive happenings at your work place that could be very helpful to you. Lines of communication are open and a superior could be listening to you. Your future goals could be discussed in a fortunate way in your favor. There are some issues that are unclear to you and you need to clarify them. You seem to have some personal concerns that you are keeping privately as you weigh all the issues that are given to you. All this is producing lots of agitation as changes seem to be occurring very rapidly. Over all, this could be advantageous for you in the long run.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
You have a great emotional desire to take a far away trip and you are looking at this and reasoning how you could find the way to do it in spite of some restrictions from a loved one that are holding you back. If you look into it you may find the way. There are very positive circumstances surrounding your personal resources as you look at your future with greater hope for achieving what you wish for in life. This should be working for you slowly but firmly and could bring great changes into your life. You are having many worries concerning all this and you are keeping it very private while this is causing you much agitation.

For April 2005

This month is the tenth anniversary since the Stardust column first saw the light in this wonderful modern world that is the Internet. I wish to thank all of my faithful readers for their support during all these years. Love, and keep on clicking. Stardust

Aries (March 21-April 20)
This month starts for you with an upbeat mode and a sense of well being. You wish to present to the world the best picture of yourself that you can. There are some opportunities coming your way concerning your future undertakings and what you wish to reach for in your life. You have gone thorough some ordeals in your life that have taught you how to use your special abilities in the right way and place. Your mate or partner could be giving you a positive input into your highest desires in career matters in spite of not comprehending the whole scope of things that surround you.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
This month you could have many private moments in which you will be pondering how to increase your outside resources through your line of work as things are moving at a slow pace but in a favorable manner. There are many positive issues at your work place that are good for your future goals and they seem to be, sometimes, nothing but a dream. There could be many fast, unexpected changes that will take you into the direction that you wish to follow for your advancement. Your dreaming might result in much inspiration that will bring the opportunity that you are waiting for.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You could be surrounded by many friends, some new ones, and your social activities might be on the upswing this month. You must have your awareness in high gear in connection with these activities that might result in too much too soon. This could cause you some money tension as your area of personal income is still in a restrictive mode for a while longer. This could also cause some tension with your shared and outside financial interest. The need to use your head instead of just your heart is needed.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Career, promotion and financial reward are in the spotlight for you this month. Your life could be surrounded by very special circumstances that could bring new opportunities that will help you to add to your joint financial interest. There is also much activity at your area of outside and shared resources that could bring you an increase in them. Your special talent could be coming to the surface and you could be showing what you have learned in order to use these special abilities that you possess. There could be some illusion and vagueness surrounding this. You should get some help in understanding unclear issues right from your home front.

Leo (July 24-August 22)
You might come across a lucky break that will enable you to take that future recreational trip that you are wishing for. You might have some obstacles right now but this shall pass. Your mate or partner will be giving you an encouragement which you are not expecting to receive. Lines of communication with your mate or partner are wide open and you will receive much cooperation from him or her and you could be doing some dreaming and planning for this future trip together. You could be feeling a sense of restriction when things do not go your way but you will be keeping this to yourself and will try to handle this constructively.

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
Your area of joint financial interest is in the limelight this month for you. There are many opportunities to increase these resources from your work area that might not be clear yet, but the opportunity is there. A new financial venture or speculation could be knocking at your door. Perhaps you were aware before of this financial matter and your special talents and abilities are very much awake and running right now to look into it clearly. You could have some tension at your home front, and this will have to be clarified and handled in a constructive manner.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
The spotlight for you this month is in your area of marriage and partnerships. There are many propitious circumstances surrounding this area as lines of communication are open and an interchange of ideas and planning for the future could be happening between you and your mate or partner. There could be some emotional tension caused by your desire of wanting more that is desirable at the present time; compromise should be called for. Your love life seems to be full of promise and much illusion is being put into it by you. This could bring some obstacles connected to your career as there are some limitations in this area.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
There are many pleasant circumstances at your work place and this could be bringing you that increase in your personal sources of income that have been coming to you too slowly. A friend could be contributing to this picture as he recognizes your abilities and talents in a big way, and this will be noticed. This will be of great advantage to you in spite of you not expecting it. Communication with someone that could be your mentor at your work place might be established as this person will be recognizing your abilities. This will bring you much encouragement and many new opportunities.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Your love life could be on the upswing and you could be giving a lot of thought to a relationship as you see many possibilities for this in the future. There are money matters that could be bringing you some tension as obstacles with your joint financial interest are very real. Communication with a friend could bring you some encouragement, but you need to look at this picture in a realistic way and be very aware of what you are talking about as emotions could interfere with this and not let you see it clearly. You could also have the tendency this month to spend on impulse for entertainment purposes more than you usually do.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
You might be spending much of your time this month at your home base and looking at the way that slow but radical changes have been brought into your life. You have developed many talents on the way as experience has taught you well. You will be feeling very energetic and you will wish to take advantage of the many opportunities that are presented to you. You could be feeling very impatient in the matter of personal income and resources, and you will be feeling that you would like to see results of these opportunities in a monetary way as quickly as possible.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Communication is the key word for you this month. Very lucky circumstances will be surrounding your area of friends as future undertakings with a friend could be in the planning stages. There are some obstacles that you will perceive during these talks as you see that it is all surrounded with some limitations. You should be very clear with all this as your sense of awareness is highlighted. Remember that you have much to offer with your expertise. You will feel impatient and ready to jump into these new opportunities, but you will be keeping these desires very discretely hidden away.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your area of personal possessions and values is in the limelight for you this month. There are very propitious circumstances surrounding your area of life advancements and goals. This area is moving very slowly but bringing very good radical changes into your life. You are learning to use your special talents and abilities, and this could be providing more in the area of joint resources. You are getting many ideas and inspiration that you could put to good use in this area of your life. A loved one could cause you some limitations concerning your personal income. This will have to be dealt in a constructive way.

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